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Sporting and Athletic Goods Index Page

Current Exports SIC & HS Codes
Golf Equipment SIC 39492
Small Arms & Ammunition SIC 3482-3484
Sporting & Athletic Equipment SIC 3949
1992-2000 Exports
Current Imports  SIC & HS Codes
Golf Equipment SIC 39492
Small Arms & Ammunition SIC 3482-3484
Sporting & Athletic Equipment SIC 3949
1992-2000 Imports

Industry News
Industry Outlook
Recreational Equipment
Access the 94, 98, 99 & 2000 editions! 
Census Bureau Reports pdf reader
Statistics for Industry
Value of Product Shipments
Census Retail Sales
Monthly Retail Sales
Annual Retail Trade Survey 92-99
Tariff Rates
For U.S. tariffs on sporting goods, visit the HTS
For international tariff rates, Click Here.  or call 1-800-USA-TRADE 
NAICS Information
The NAICS is replacing the SIC system. Click to learn more.  Or 
View a conversion chart between the SIC and NAICS codes.

For more information, contact John Vanderwolf at: John_Vanderwolf@ita.doc.gov or call: (202) 482-0348.

Last Updated on 9-20-04 by JF.

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