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Headline Archives
Addresses Terrorism Issues


Photograph of President Bush at FBI LaboratoryOn September 10, President George Bush joined Attorney General Ashcroft, Secretary of Homeland Security Ridge, Homeland Security Advisor General Gordon, and FBI Director Mueller at Quantico, Virginia, in a tour of the FBI Laboratory, then ended his visit with an address on the War on Terrorism to a law enforcement and military audience.

Arriving at the initial evidence bay of the new state-of-the-art FBI laboratory, the President was given briefings in the Explosives Unit/Mock-up Room, the Chemistry Instrument Room, the Firearms/Toolmarks Unit/Gun Collection Room, and in the DNA Analysis Labs.

The President then spoke to a large audience of state and local law enforcement; of employees of the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI; and of U.S. Marines stationed at Quantico and elsewhere. Expressing thanks to the military, to intelligence officers, law enforcement, and to first responders, he said, "All of you may serve on different fronts, but you are serving in the same war. I don't know how long it will take, but I do know this: however long it takes, this nation will prevail."

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