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Pfam 15.0 (August 2004, 7503 families)

Pfam is a large collection of multiple sequence alignments and hidden Markov models covering many common protein families. Pfam version 15.0 (August 2004) contains alignments and models for 7503 protein families, based on the Swissprot 44.0 and SP-TrEMBL 27.0 protein sequence databases.

HELP More information on Pfam, using this site, and the changes between Pfam releases.
PROTEIN SEARCH Analyze a protein query sequence to find Pfam family matches.
DNA SEARCH Analyze a DNA query sequence to find Pfam family matches.
(Uses the GeneWise server at the Sanger Centre).
BROWSE PFAM View Pfam annotation and alignments.
KEYWORD SEARCH Query Pfam by keywords.
TAXONOMY SEARCH Find Pfam families by taxonomy.
BROWSE SWISSPFAM View the domain organization of a SWISSPROT/TrEMBL sequence according to Pfam.
PFAMALYZER Explore Pfam via a Java-based interface, including extended domain query. (Links to Stockholm Pfam site).

FTP access to Pfam

Pfam alignments, HMMs, and other files are also available by FTP.

Most large files are compressed with GNU gzip, file extension .gz.

Comments, questions, flames? Email <pfam@genetics.wustl.edu>.
Last modified: Thursday, 07-Oct-2004 13:13:21 CDT