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Agricultural Bioterrorism: Select Agent Program
Center for Plant Health Science and Technology
Craft Industries
Crop Biosecurity
Domestic Pest Programs
Emergency Programs
Emerging Pest Issues
Environmental Documents
International Standards

Methyl Bromide

NAPIS (National Agricultural Pest Information System)


Pest Detection
Pest Identification
Pest Lists
Pest Risk Assessments
Phytosanitary Issues
Quarantine Policy Analysis & Support
Safeguarding American Plant Resources
Safeguarding, Intervention and Trade Compliance
Solid Wood Packing Materials

Whitefly Taxonomic and Ecological Website

  Craft Industries

Regulated Products

Artificial Christmas Trees

Wheat and Wheat Straw

Rice and Rice Straw

Bamboo Stakes/Poles

Corn & Corn Relatives

Natural Wood Products

Global trade has increased exponentially over the past 10 years because of trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The craft industry is just one of the many industries that have benefited from increased worldwide trade. Craft industry buyers in the United States now order a huge variety of home and holiday decorations from around the world that are made with natural plant material.

With the global trade in these decorations increasing, buyers from the United States need to be aware of regulations governing these imported items. There is a risk that these agricultural products can transport harmful plant and animal pests and diseases into the United States.

To safeguard U.S. Agriculture against these pests and diseases, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) regulates the importation of agricultural products, including those plant materials used in decorative items.

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