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Agricultural Bioterrorism: Select Agent Program
Center for Plant Health Science and Technology
Craft Industries
Crop Biosecurity
Domestic Pest Programs
Emergency Programs
Emerging Pest Issues
Environmental Documents
International Standards

Methyl Bromide

NAPIS (National Agricultural Pest Information System)


Pest Detection
Pest Identification
Pest Lists
Pest Risk Assessments
Phytosanitary Issues
Quarantine Policy Analysis & Support
Safeguarding American Plant Resources
Safeguarding, Intervention and Trade Compliance
Solid Wood Packing Materials

Whitefly Taxonomic and Ecological Website

National Identification Services
Credible, reliable, and responsive service
Identification, Risk Analysis, and Action Decisions



NIS provides the following pest identification and information services:

  • We identify and coordinate the identification of plant pests intercepted at ports-of entry from import and export cargo, passengers or carriers arriving from foreign origins, and organisms from domestic APHIS surveys.
  • We categorize the quarantine status of exotic organisms.
  • We maintain pest interception data on known and potential pest organisms found during quarantine inspection.
We manage national plant pest identification services to:
  • Ensure identification services are accurate, responsive, timely, consistent, and comprehensive.
  • Develop and evaluate the effectiveness of identification services.
  • Develop a cooperative relationship and coordinate activities between co-providers of identification services.
  • Promote and maintain professional excellence of PPQ entomology, botany, & plant pathology identifiers and identification specialists.

We determine which organisms are quarantine pests using pest risk analysis models to:

  • Help prevent the establishment of exotic plant pests in the United States.
  • Facilitate international trade.

We manage a pest interception database to:

  • Maintain a record of potential pest introductions to the United States.
  • Provide information necessary to formulate PPQ and APHIS policy.
  • Provide information to APHIS customers

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