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Agricultural Bioterrorism: Select Agent Program
Center for Plant Health Science and Technology
Craft Industries
Crop Biosecurity
Domestic Pest Programs
Emergency Programs
Emerging Pest Issues
Environmental Documents
International Standards

Methyl Bromide

NAPIS (National Agricultural Pest Information System)


Pest Detection
Pest Identification
Pest Lists
Pest Risk Assessments
Phytosanitary Issues
Quarantine Policy Analysis & Support
Safeguarding American Plant Resources
Safeguarding, Intervention and Trade Compliance
Solid Wood Packing Materials

Whitefly Taxonomic and Ecological Website


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Established in 2003, the Pest Detection and Management Programs staff mission is to support safeguarding U.S. agricultural and natural resources from the introduction, establishment, and spread of plant pests and noxious weeds through domestic and offshore pest surveillance and management programs.

Learn more about our activities by visiting the web pages of the following programs:

Cotton Pest Programs
Works to eradicate the boll weevil and pink bollworm from all cotton-producing areas of the U.S. and northern Mexico

Emergency Programs
Supports the implementation of pest responses and emergencies

Emerging Pest Issues
New plant pest issues and new pest outbreak situations

Environmental Monitoring
Ensures that APHIS pest and disease control programs do not harm human health or the environment

Invasive Species and Pest Management
Program planning and coordination for domestically regulated pests

Pest Detection
Ensures the early detection of harmful or economically significant plant pests and weeds



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