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 About RGD


"The Rat Genome Database (RGD) curates and integrates rat genetic and genomic data and provides access to this data to support research using the rat as a genetic model for the study of human disease".
Related links: About RGD, Article describing RGD.

 RGD Highlights

  • RGD will be hosting a free demo and a booth at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting
    Free RGD Demo/satellite event will be at the San Diego Marriot Hotel and Marina
    October 22, 2004 9 AM - 12 PM Del Mar room ... more.
  • RGD has released a new genome viewing tool called Gviewer 
    GViewerThe Gviewer gives a genome view on a RGD ontology report page of records that match a query statement.
    • Zoom in or out by right clicking the image
    • View a single chromosome by clicking on one
    • Symbols are hyperlinked to RGD reports
    • Bars are hyperlinked to the region in the RGD genome browser
    • View and save all displayed records in an excel file
    View the tool's results by clicking on the following hyperlinks:  
  • RGD Adds Biological and Variation Tracks to GBrowse 
    RGD has added 24 new tracks to GBrowse to attach biology to the genome and provide a view of variation across the genome. Read more or Try them out!
  • Announcing the new version of the GATool 
    RGD has released a new version of the Gene Annotation Tool which allows the user to mine RGD, Entrez Gene, UniProt (SwissProt) and KEGG for functional information... Read more or Try it!
  • Announcing Pathway Annotations at RGD 
    The first release of RGD’s pathway annotation project includes 373 annotations for 12 pathways.
    Read more or see a pathway report.

 What's New ... more

 Conference Watch ... more

This section last updated: October 4, 2004.


How do I ... use RGD?

Link to RGD Strain data
Link to RGD QTL data
Link to RGD Map data
Link to RGD Sequence data
Link to RGD comparative mapping data

Hyperlinked overview of some of the aspects of rat research that RGD supports.


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The Bioinformatics Program, HMGC is a part of the Medical College of Wisconsin. RGD is funded by grant HL64541 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the NIH.