BDGP Logo Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project
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April 21, 2004: Release 4 of the unannotated genomic sequence is now available.

About BDGP Contact information, news archive, how to cite BDGP, and general overview

Genomic Sequencing Sequence and annotation of the Drosophila genome
Expression Patterns Systematic determination of patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryogenesis by RNA in situ
cDNAs & ESTs Drosophila Gene Collection, full-length cDNA sequencing and expressed sequence tags (ESTs)
Natural Transposable Elements Sequences of natural transposable elements in Release 3 genomic sequence
Gene Disruption Insertion of single P transposable elements to disrupt and misexpress Drosophila genes
Comparative Genomics Comparative analysis of genomic sequences in Drosophila and related species
SNPs Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Map

BDGP Resources

Download Sequence data sets and annotations in fasta or xml format by http or ftp
Materials Request genomic or cDNA clones, library filters or fly stocks
Publications Browse or download BDGP papers
Methods BDGP laboratory protocols and vector maps
Fly BLAST This server has been retired. Please see the new FlyBase BLAST service
GadFly This genome annotation database has been retired. Please see the new FlyBase annotation database
Apollo Genome annotation viewer and editor
FlyBase All Searches FlyBase, BDGP
Analysis Tools Search sequence for splice sites, possible genes, etc.

The Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project (BDGP) is a consortium of the Drosophila Genome Center (funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Cancer Institute, and the Department of Energy), and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (through its support of work in the Gerald Rubin, Allan Spradling, Roger Hoskins, Hugo Bellen, Susan Celniker, and Gary Karpen laboratories).

This page last updated on: 4/21/04
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