NCBI Home Genomic Biology Xenopus Genome Resources
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NCBI Web Resources
The NCBI Handbook.    An online guide to NCBI resources.
Global Query. Query all NCBI Entrez databases in one step.
Site Search. Search NCBI's WEB and FTP sites.
BLAST Traces. Trace Archive with MegaBLAST. Search against WGS and EST Traces.
Clone Registry. Find information about specific clones or libraries selected for genome sequencing.
Entrez Gene. Focal point for genes and associated information.
e-PCR. Review in genomic context your sequence for sequence tag sites (STSs).
FLcDNA Projects. View Full-Length cDNA project summaries and links to resources.
GeneRIF. Gene References into Function. HomoloGene. View calculated and curated homologs for plant and animal genes.
Map Viewer. View and navigate among NCBI's suite of genome-specific Map Viewer and BLAST pages.
RefSeq. Reference sequences of mRNAs and proteins.
Taxonomy. Taxonomy Browser hosts summaries of sequence resources and external links through NCBI's LinkOut for
X.tropicalis or X.laevis

Trace Archive. Collection of raw sequence traces from various sequencing projects.
UniGene. Organization of transcribed sequences into gene-based clusters.
UniSTS. A non- redundant collection of STSs with links to maps, primers and sequence.


Welcome to the Xenopus Genome resources page. This homepage will bring together information on Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis tools at NCBI and Xenopus community related resources.
We encourage your suggestions.


X. laevis (left) and X. tropicalis (right) adult females.
Photo courtesy of Enrique Amaya

This month
in PubMed and GenBank...

X. tropicalis
X. laevis

X. tropicalis
X. laevis

Upcoming Meeting:

Tenth International Xenopus Meeting Woods Hole, MA
September 14-18, 2004

What's New

January 2004

Xenopus laevis and
Xenopus tropicalis
LocusLink and Entrez Gene
records created.

January 2004

Xenopus Full-Length cDNAs
Xenopus Gene Collection (XGC) has deposited over 2000 X. laevis and over 500 X. tropicalis clones in GenBank.

Click here to retrieve the
set of all X. laevis or
X. tropicalis
XGCs in GenBank

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Write to the NCBI Service Desk
Community Resources
  • Trans-NIH Xenopus Initiative

  • Xenbase
    Xenopus web resource

  • Grainger X. tropicalis genetics project Site

  • Harland X. tropicalis Site

  • Xine
    A Xenopus Newsletter

    Sequence Resources

  • Xenopus tropicalis Genome Sequencing

  • DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI)

  • Xenopus tropicalis
    EST Project

  • Xenopus
    Gene Collection

    Full-length cDNA project

  • Wellcome
    Xenopus tropicalis

    Full-Length Database

  • BAC/PAC Resource Center at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute

  • XMMR
    Xenopus Molecular Marker Resource

  • Axeldb
    X. laevis gene expression