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J. Training and Exercises

Federal agencies, in conjunction with State and local governments, will periodically exercise their roles and responsibilities designated under the CONPLAN. Federal agencies should coordinate their exercises with the Exercise Subgroup of the Interagency Working Group on Counterterrorism and other response agencies to avoid duplication, and, more importantly, to provide a forum to exercise coordination mechanisms among responding agencies.

Federal agencies will assist State and local governments design and improve their response capabilities to a terrorist threat or incident. Each agency should coordinate its training programs with other response agencies to avoid duplication and to make its training available to other agencies.

Table of Contents
List fo Figures
Introduction and Background
Concept of Operations
Phasing of the Federal Response
Appendix A - Acronyms
Appendix B - Definitions




Last Updated: Friday, 22-Oct-2004 21:33:00 EDT
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