14102 -- this is a session number assigned to the
Jun 22 10:26:59 1999 -- this is the date and time of
the request
100 -- this is the status of the request.
running WAIS Server 2.1.6 -- this identifies the GPO
WAIS Server
accepted connection from: website.access.gpo.gov
[], 2.1.6 -- This confirms the connection was
accepted and identifies the specific server you are connecting to.
init message: user <none> password
<none> client WAISForwarder-1-(2.1.6)- -- this
identifies by ip address or host name of the requester (see ip address
explanation above)
search database: "106_house_hearings" seed words:
"COUNTERPROLIFERATION" -- this identifies what database
and search terms the requestor is entering
checking access for forwarder to database
/wais/indexes/106_house_hearings/index.acc -- this is checking
access to the requested information on GPO's server
checking access for client to database
/wais/indexes/106_house_hearings/index.acc -- This is checking
access to send requested information to the requestor
found 3 hits -- 3 hits were returned to the requestor
closing connection; -- the requestor is leaving
done handling client -- the session is over