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Reactor Oversight Process (ROP)

Individual Plant Performance Summaries
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Inputs to the Assessment Process - The NRC evaluates plant performance by analyzing two distinct inputs: inspection findings resulting from NRC's inspection program and performance indicators (PIs) reported by the licensee (Inspection Findings + Performance Indicators = Plant Assessment). Both PIs and inspection findings are evaluated and given a color designation based on their safety significance. Green inspection findings or PIs indicate a very low risk significance and therefore have little or no impact on safety. White, yellow, or red inspection findings or PIs each, respectively, represent a greater degree of safety significance.

  • NRC Inspection Findings for each plant are documented in inspection reports in accordance with IMC 0612 (pdf) and summarized in Plant Issues Matrices (PIMs). Inspection findings are evaluated using the significance determination process (SDP) in accordance with IMC 0609 (pdf). The latest PIMs and inspection reports are posted on the plant web along with the PIs about five weeks after the end of each quarter. The inspection findings/PIMs are also updated on the web as soon as practical to reflect any final significance determinations that result in a risk significance that is more than very low significance (i.e., greater than green). Inspection findings that cut across cornerstones, such as corrective action program and PI verification findings, are listed in the PIMs as miscellaneous findings. Links are provided from individual PIM entries to the detailed information in NRC inspection reports.

  • Performance Indicators are reported to the NRC by licensees on a quarterly basis after the end of each quarter in accordance with IMC 0608 (pdf) and the latest PI reporting guidance. NEI 99-02, Rev 2 (pdf), "Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline," which was endorsed by the NRC in Regulatory Issue Summary 2001-25 for licensee use effective for data collection starting January 1, 2002. Performance indicators resulting from this revised were guidance first submitted at the conclusion of the first calendar quarter of 2002. The approved FAQs below should be used in conjunction with NEI 99-02 Rev 2 when determining the current guidance for PI collection and reporting.

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Individual Plant Performance Summaries - Performance information (i.e., inspection findings and PIs) is summarized for each plant and sorted by the seven cornerstones of safety. This information can be viewed by selecting the plant name from the right column (organized alphabetically as well as by the region where the plants are located). For each plant, the current Action Matrix designation is displayed along with the performance indicators (PIs) and a summary of NRC inspection findings. Links are also provided to NRC assessment letters, inspection plans, and inspection reports.

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Comprehensive Performance Summaries - Based on the latest applicable performance indicators and inspection findings, the current Action Matrix designation for each plant is available in the Action Matrix Summary. The Action Matrix Summary provides a matrix of the five columns with the plants listed within their applicable column. The most significant inspection finding color designations over the previous 4 quarters for all plants is summarized in an Inspection Findings Summary matrix. The most recent quarterly performance indicator color designations for all plants are summarized in a PI Summary matrix. You can drill down into more detailed information from any of these three summary matrices. In addition, the List of Inspection Reports includes links to all NRC reports documenting ROP-related inspection results and the List of Assessment Reports and Inspection Plans includes links to all NRC performance assessment reports and associated inspection plans for the upcoming year.

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Historical Performance - Historical snapshots of plant performance from previous quarters as displayed on the web since the inception of the ROP are also available on the Historical Performance from Previous Quarters page. These include pdf files of the individual plant performance summaries, inspection findings, and performance indicators as well as the comprehensive summaries of the action matrix designation, inspection findings, and performance indicators for all plants.

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NRC Response to Plant Performance - The NRC assesses plant performance continuously, and communicates its assessment of plant performance in letters to licensees, typically semi-annually. These assessment letters are available on the plant performance summary page for each plant, and are posted on this web site as they become available. More detailed information on the NRC's assessment process is available in IMC 0305, "Operating Reactor Assessment Program."

The NRC determines its regulatory response in accordance with an Action Matrix that provides for a range of actions commensurate with the significance of the PI and inspection results. For a plant that has all of its PIs and inspection findings characterized as green, the NRC will only implement its baseline inspection program. For plants that do not have all green PIs and inspection findings, the NRC will perform additional inspections and initiate other actions commensurate with the safety significance of the issues.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide a compilation of commonly asked questions and answers related to performance indicators. The NRC and industry review FAQs and work to achieve a consensus view during periodic public meetings. If the stakeholders do not reach alignment on an issue, the NRC makes the final decision and approval determination. The approved FAQs should be used in conjunction with NEI 99-02 Rev 2 when determining the current guidance for PI collection and reporting, and will be incorporated into the next update of NEI 99-02. Approved FAQs can be viewed in three ways:

Draft FAQs (pdf) that have been submitted by various stakeholders and are in the review/approval process are also provided for information purposes only. Note that these draft FAQs have not been approved for use by the NRC. Each draft FAQ will include the status of the FAQ in the review/approval process, as well as a proposed response if one has been developed. Draft FAQs with proposed responses will be considered for final approval at a future public meeting. Once a draft FAQ becomes approved for use by the NRC, it will be removed from the draft FAQ listing and added to the approved FAQs. In addition, Archived FAQs (pdf) that have been incorporated into, and superseded by, the latest NEI 99-02 guidance are included for reference only.

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Pilot Efforts - The NRC and the nuclear industry have jointly proposed a replacement to the current set of Safety System Unavailability Performance Indicators which is called the Mitigating System Performance Index (MSPI). The 6-month pilot test period extends from September 1, 2002 through March 1, 2003.

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Industry Trends - The NRC's new program to monitor trends in industry performance to confirm that the safety of operating power plants is being maintained on the Industry Trends Web Page.

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ROP Program Information - Additional background information can be found on the Detailed ROP Description page. The Office of Public Affairs has published a plain language description of the ROP in NUREG-1649. The ROP-related program and policy documents are also conveniently summarized by subject area on the ROP Program Documents page.

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Browns Ferry Unit 1 Recovery - The NRC is conducting oversight inspections of the recovery of Browns Ferry Unit 1. Until the unit fully transitions under the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), information regarding this multi-year project can be accessed at Browns Ferry Unit 1 Recovery.

Last modification : June 10, 2003