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MFOQA: Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance

MFOQA is a knowledge management process that uses flight data downloaded after every flight to provide aircrew, the squadron and the Fleet with quantitative information regarding aircrew and aircraft performance to improve training, operational readiness and safety. It is the proactive use of aircraft data systems to reduce operational risk.

This process will identify human error (a causal factor in 80% of Aviation Mishaps) on a near real-time basis and provide tools to measure the effectiveness of ORM intervention strategies.

FOQA, the civil version of MFOQA, is an accepted standard operating procedure for analysis of commercial flight data and is endorsed by the FAA for collection and analysis of safety information in a non-punitive environment.

The term MFOQA describes a flight data collection and analysis process that steps beyond the bounds of traditional quality assurance. MFOQA collects flight data for use in a number of areas:

  1. Post Mission Pilot Debrief immediate post flight digital replay and automated report generation for any portion of the flight displayed on a standard PC in a user-friendly Windows - based environment to enhance training opportunities for every flight.
  2. Aircraft Maintenance and System Troubleshooting quantitative downloaded aircraft system information is provided to expedite maintenance and improve operational readiness of aircraft.
  3. Flight Data Analysis the rapid, automated computer analysis of every flight to identify hazardous events in a non-punitive environment and before mishaps occur. Written reports are automated and can either highlight significant events on a given flight or sample multiple flight aggregate data for automated trend analysis.
  4. Mishap Investigation: accurate post mishap event data analysis where the aircraft is not destroyed. While MFOQA recorders are not required to be crash survivable, they can provide to provide much improved and objective evidence to the AMB to identify cause factors for remediation on less serious flight and ground mishaps.

MFOQA is a process that, when implemented, has the potential to dramatically increase operational readiness and help drive down current Flight Mishap Rate below the current 10 year plateau. MFOQA will provide a proactive approach to identify hazardous human errors before they become mishaps. It will also provide an excellent tool to improve aviation maintenance and increase student and fleet pilot training.

Naval Experience:

Initial studies involved installation and 20 hours of flight demonstration of a quick access data recorder in one VMFAT-101 F/A-18 Hornet. The project was well received by the command pilots and demonstrated the feasibility of recording, downloading analyzing and sharing de-identified flight data.

Current status:

The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Safety, DASN (Safety), has secured $10.8 M for a 2-year MFOQA Technical Demonstration. Results from the FY04 and FY05 tech demo will be used to develop a detailed acquisition strategy for selected aircraft communities and both OPNAV and Marine Corps Orders delineating policy for the use of recorded MFOQA data.

The Naval Safety Center in conjunction with Commander, Naval Air Force, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, the CNO’s office and USAF, USA, and US Coast Guard leadership strongly support the development and rapid implementation of MFOQA.

A Student Test Pilot MFOQA demonstration on a Naval Test Pilot School F/A-18 Hornet has been initiated. The Demonstration will focus on providing quantitative flight data and post mission replay of demanding TPS syllabus flights. Recorded/animated MFOQA flight maneuvers from the demonstration will be used to augment the Out of Control Flight Training Syllabus that NTPS provides to FRS instructor pilots.

Fleet participation and feedback in MFOQA process development, data analysis and subsequent integration is essential.

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