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Guide Specifications and Standard Drawings
The Guide Specifications and Standard Drawings are "intended" to be used in developing projects specific specifications and drawings for inclusion in contract documents in various locations and circumstances by "BLM" personnel. The editing of the Guide Specifications and modifications of the Standard Drawings should be undertaken by professionals knowledgeable in their application. Their publication here does not constitute endorsement of their applicability to any specific project or circumstance; rather they are intended to provide "BLM" field personnel with detailed examples and outlines to assist them in assembly of project specific documents.

Downloadable Guide Specs

Downloadable Standard Drawings

Design Manuals and Handbooks
9100 series and related manuals
National Codes and Standards
Links to codes and standards such as ASTM, ANSI, AWWA, etc. These standards may require licensing agreements through the owner.
  • Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects, FP-03 has been completed and is available for purchase in both the U.S. Customary or Metric versions. The following Western Federal Lands Highway Division website has information for ordering the specifications and for viewing the specifications in either MSWord or Acrobat (PDF) formats:
Current News
Engineering news within the BLM.
Current Projects - Internal use only
State Engineering Sites
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Utah
  • Wyoming
Content manager for Engineering Specs - Mary AnneNelson (mary ann zehrt
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