Entrez PubMed Nucleotide Protein Genome Structure PMC Journals Books

Frequently Asked Questions for LinkOut Providers

Last Updated: December 1, 2003

LinkOut is a feature of Entrez that is designed to provide users with links from PubMed and other Entrez databases to a wide variety of relevant web-accessible online resources, including full-text publications, databases, research tools, and more.  The links are supplied by third party resource providers who choose to participate in the LinkOut project.


LinkOut Files



Will my resources be appropriate for LinkOut?

LinkOut resources must be useful to Entrez users' research.  They should be directly relevant to specific subjects of the Entrez records that they will be linked to.   The information and  its delivery system should be of high quality, and must not, through typographic or factual errors, omissions, or other flaws or inconsistencies, mislead, hinder or frustrate the research efforts of Entrez users.  The resources should be easy to use and navigate.

Can I restrict access to my resources?

Absolutely.  Access authentication and authorization is the decision of a resource provider.   However, if there is restriction for access, the attribute "subscription/.membership/fee required" should be used to inform Entrez users about the restriction.

Full-text providers that provide free access to their summary pages, but restrict full text access to subscribers, may choose to provide links to their summary pages that have links to the full-text. If they do so, they should include the attributes "full-text online" and "subscription/membership/fee required" to let users know the full text is available in addition to the summary.

What level of linking should I provide?

Links should be directed to the resource itself, not its surrogate or container.  For example, a full-text provider should provide links to the full-text electronic articles, not the table of contents or the home page of an electronic journal.

Can my resources be linked to all Entrez records?

LinkOut resources must be specialized to be of value in Entrez users' research and not overburden NCBI's system.  Thus, linking to all records in an Entrez database without selection is not allowed.

What responsibilities do I have as a LinkOut provider?

A LinkOut provider must make sure that both their resources and links are of high quality and functional.  There must not be any blind or broken links, or links that lead to the wrong targets.   The provider is also responsible for transferring any additions, changes and deletion of their links to NCBI.   NCBI provides the links in Entrez and promotes the LinkOut feature.  However, it is the responsibility of the provider to promote their  resources to their existing and potential users.

Are there any prerequisite for submitting links?

Publisher of journals included in PubMed must submit their citation data electronically BEFORE they submit links to their web-accessible full-text. Please see the Information for Publishers documentation for details about submitting electronic data to PubMed.
An icon that represents links to the publisher's full-text will then display by default on the PubMed Abstract and Citation Display.

Will my links be shown on systems besides Entrez?

Besides the Entrez system, all LinkOut resources are also available through the Entrez Programming Utilities - ELink. Thus, systems other than Entrez may get your links through this utility and display them at their sites.

What do I need to do to provide links to my resources?

A potential provider should contact NCBI at linkout@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov to express their interest in LinkOut.  Two types of LinkOut files, Identity and Holdings files are required.  For help in preparing these files, please consult one of the following documents:  LinkOut and Publisher Holdings, LinkOut and Library Holdings and LinkOut and Non-Bibliographic Resources.

How does LinkOut relate to services based on OpenURL?

LinkOut is the Entrez feature to handle external linking in PubMed and other Entrez databases, including services based on OpenURL.  The document PubMed and OpenURL-based Services provides additional information on this topic.

LinkOut Files

What are the LinkOut Identity and Holdings Files?

They are types of LinkOut files.  The Identity File provides identity information about a LinkOut resource provider. The Holdings File describes the links to the resources and the Entrez records the links will apply to.

How should I select a NameAbbr?

NameAbbr is a short, preferably less than 8 characters, one word abbreviation for a provider.  It may only include alpha and numeric characters, spaces and special characters such as hyphens are not allowed.

Are the elements in LinkOut files case sensitive?

Like all valid XML elements, elements in LinkOut files are case-sensitive. Please use the element tags exactly as they are specified in the LinkOut.dtd

How can I use the elements: SubjectType, Attribute and UrlName?

SubjectType and Attribute can be used to describe the resources listed in the Holdings file and the relationship of the provider to the resources.  The list of allowable terms for these two elements is available at LinkOut SubjectTypes, Attributes and UrlName

A free-form text string can be used in UrlName to further describe the resources in case the allowed terms for SubjectType and Attribute are not sufficient.

What is the difference between the SubjectType and Attribute elements in the Identity file and those in the Holdings files?

SubjectTypes and Attributes included in the Identity file will apply to all the holdings provided by a provider.  If they are included inside a link in the Holdings file, they will only apply to that specific link.

How do the Base and URL elements work?

LinkOut simply concatenates whatever is input in the Base and URL elements to form a link to your resource. Typically, the consistent part of your resource URL should be entered in the Base element, and the variable part of the URL should be entered in the Rule element. Please be careful not to put extra or missing characters at the beginning or the end of these elements.

You may also make use of an entity in the Prolog of the LinkOut files to save some typing.

How can users see our links in the Entrez databases?

All external links from an Entrez record are listed in the LinkOut display, which is accessible from the Display pull-down menu, or by clicking "LinkOut" from the Citation and Abstract display formats.

How can users see our LinkOut icon in the Entrez databases?

At this point, only PubMed will display an icon from a provider. To see a provider's icon, one need to invoke PubMed using the following URL:


where "provider" is a provider's NameAbbr.

The provider's icon will then display on the Citation and Abstract display of the records that a provider has specified in their Holdings file.

Alternatively, users can use Cubby to select the icon to display.

Which icon will  display by default on the Citation and Abstract display of PubMed?

The icon for publishers that provide electronic citation data to PubMed will display by default on the Abstract and Citation display of PubMed. These publishers should specify in their Identity files the SubjectType "publishers/providers", and the Attribute "publisher of information in URL".

How should I design the LinkOut icon for my organization?

The recommended size of a LinkOut icon is 100 pixels in width and 25 pixels in height.  Icon larger than 150 pixels in width and 35 pixels in height will be scaled down.  The icon should look like a button.  An icon with a white or transparent background, or without borders, is not recommended.

Can I put the icon in a HTML page and supply its URL in the IconUrl element?

No.  You should provide a URL pointing directly to the image file, e.g. http://www.linksprovider.org/icondirectory/lo-icon.gif.  Please do NOT include the icon in a HTML page.

What is the difference between the IconUrl element in the Identity file and that in the Holdings file?

Only the icon specified in IconUrl in the Holdings file will be displayed in PubMed. Icon specified in the Identity file is not used at this point.

What happens if I do not have an icon for my links?

LinkOut will provide a default "Go to Publisher's Site" icon if there is no IconUrl element or the element is left blank in a Link.

How can I update our LinkOut files after the initial transfer?

A provider may transfer new versions of current LinkOut files or add new Holdings files at any time. It is the responsibility of the provider to keep its files current and valid.  Links in the Entrez databases, are regenerated each day based on the Holdings files in each provider's directory. Providers should delete obsolete files from their directories.

How can I keep up with the development of LinkOut?

You may subscribe to the linkout-news announcement mailing list.
To subscribe send an e-mail message with subscribe in the Subject to: linkout-news-request@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
or subscribe on the web at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mailman/listinfo/linkout-news

Libraries may also subscribe to the library-linkout announcement mailing list.
To subscribe send an e-mail message with subscribe in the Subject to: library-linkout-request@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
or subscribe on the web at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mailman/listinfo/library-linkout

Taxonomic resource providers may also subscribe to the tax-linkout announcement mailing list.
To subscribe send an e-mail message with subscribe in the Subject to: tax-linkout-request@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
or subscribe on the web at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mailman/listinfo/tax-linkout

Send questions and comments to linkout@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

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