Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 68

Diagnosis and Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism


Under its Evidence-based Practice Program, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is developing scientific information for other agencies and organizations on which to base clinical guidelines, performance measures, and other quality improvement tools. Contractor institutions review all relevant scientific literature on assigned clinical care topics and produce evidence reports and technology assessments, conduct research on methodologies and the effectiveness of their implementation, and participate in technical assistance activities.

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Overview / Reporting the Evidence / Methodology / Findings / Future Research / Availability of Full Report


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) refers to all forms of pathologic thrombosis occurring on the venous side of the circulation, the most common of which is deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of the lower extremities. The most life-threatening manifestation of VTE is embolization of venous thrombi to the pulmonary circulation—pulmonary embolism (PE). The occurrence of VTE is generally triggered by a confluence of environmental and constitutional risk factors.

VTE and its complications are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Researchers have estimated that the average annual incidence of isolated DVT is 50 per 100,000 people and for PE, with or without DVT, the incidence is 70 per 100,000. Others estimate the incidence as being higher and suggest that 450,000 cases of DVT (350,000 cases of non-fatal PE, and 250,000 cases of fatal PE) may occur annually in the United States.

The reference standard for VTE diagnosis remains clot visualization with contrast venography or pulmonary angiography. However, the invasiveness and the risks of these modalities have led to a steady increase in the use of non-invasive or minimally invasive VTE testing. All of these tests are optimally used after clinical examination and estimation of the pre-test likelihood of disease.

When VTE has been diagnosed, acute management usually involves anticoagulation with intravenous unfractionated heparin (UFH), or more recently, subcutaneous low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), to prevent further clot formation and allow endogenous thrombolysis to proceed. Thrombolytic therapy with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, or streptokinase typically has been reserved for patients with life threatening pulmonary embolism. Once adequate anticoagulation is achieved with heparin, patients switch to oral anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin) for months to years to decrease the risk of recurrent VTE. Although anticoagulants are effective in treating VTE, they are also associated with an increased risk of serious bleeding complications.

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Reporting the Evidence

With recent technological advances in diagnosis of VTE and the availability of new pharmacological therapies, a number of questions require careful evaluation of the evidence to guide clinical practice and policy-making. This report addresses the following questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of VTE.


1. What are the efficacy and safety of LMWH compared with UFH for the treatment of DVT?
The main outcomes of interest were death, recurrent VTE, and bleeding complications.

2. What are the efficacy and safety of LMWH compared with UFH for treatment of PE?
The outcomes of interest were the same as for Question 1.

3a. What are the efficacy and safety of outpatient versus inpatient treatment of DVT with LMWH or UFH?
The clinical outcomes of interest were the same as for Question 1.

3b. What is the cost-effectiveness of outpatient versus inpatient treatment of DVT with LMWH or UFH?
The outcomes of interest included all costs to society in addition to the above mentioned clinical outcomes.

4. What is the optimal duration of treatment for DVT and PE in patients without known thrombophilic disorders and in patients with thrombophilic disorders?
The main outcomes of interest again were death, recurrent VTE, and bleeding complications.


5. How accurate are clinical prediction rules used for the diagnosis of DVT or PE?
The review focused on prediction rules that were based on at least two of the following types of clinical information: medical history, physical examination, and blood tests.

6a. What are the test characteristics of ultrasonography for diagnosis of DVT?
The review focused on the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of ultrasonography.

6b. Are calf vein thromboses adequately identified with ultrasound?
The review for this question also focused on the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of ultrasonography.

7a. What are the test characteristics of helical computed tomography (CT) for diagnosis of PE relative to ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scanning or standard angiography?

7b. What are the test characteristics of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for diagnosis of PE relative to V/Q scanning and/or standard angiography?
The review focused on the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of these radiologic tests (7a and 7b).

8. What are the test characteristics of D-dimer for diagnosis of VTE?
The review focused on the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of this blood test.

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The Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) assembled a team of physicians from diverse specialties including general internal medicine, hematology, radiology, and pulmonary and critical care medicine. The EPC team then recruited 16 technical experts and peer reviewers to provide input regarding the choice of key questions and/or to review a draft of the evidence report. These included:

Literature Search

The EPC team searched several literature indexing systems to identify articles relevant to the review. These included MEDLINE®, MICROMEDEX®, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. To ensure a comprehensive literature search and identification of all relevant articles, the EPC team also examined the reference lists from articles identified through the electronic searching, queried the technical experts, and reviewed the table of contents of recent issues of relevant journals.

Two members of the EPC team independently reviewed the abstracts identified by the search to exclude those that did not meet the eligibility criteria. Primary studies were eligible if they addressed one of the key questions, included original human data, were not limited to prevention of VTE, were not case reports, and were written in the English language. Reviews were eligible for inclusion in the report if they used a systematic approach to searching and synthesizing the literature on one of the key questions. Individual key questions had additional exclusion criteria. When two reviewers agreed that an abstract was not eligible, it was excluded from further review.

The EPC team discovered that the primary literature had been systematically reviewed in some detail for Questions 1, 2, 6a, 6b, 7a, and 8. To avoid replication of earlier work, team members systematically reviewed the reviews on these questions. They extracted the results of the reviews and reported the aggregate effect measures. For Questions 3a, 3b, 4, 5, and 7b, they reviewed the primary studies found in the literature search. Team members also reviewed selected primary studies on Question 7a, even though some systematic reviews had addressed this question.

To focus the evidence report on the studies that would be most valuable in addressing the key questions, they used the following additional eligibility criteria:

Review Process

Paired reviewers assessed the quality of each eligible article. Differences between the paired reviewers were resolved by face-to-face discussion. The systematic reviews received points for the adequacy of the authors' reporting of search strategies (3 items), the description of the inclusion criteria for the primary studies (3 items), the adequacy of the quality assessment of the primary studies (2 items), the validity of the methods for combining the results (2 items), and the degree to which conclusions were supported by the evidence (2 items). The primary studies received points for the degree to which they described the patients included in the study (4 items), designed the study to minimize bias in the results (3 items), the description of the intervention or evaluation (2 items), the adequacy of followup (5 items), and the reporting of appropriate statistical methods (4 items). The cost-effectiveness studies (question 3b) received points for nine items.

The score for each category of study quality was the percentage of the total points available in each category for that study, and could range from 0 to 100 percent. The overall quality score reported was the mean of the five categorical scores.

One reviewer in each pair was the primary reviewer who abstracted data from the article, and the second reviewer confirmed the accuracy of the first reviewer's work.

Evidence Grades

Five members of the EPC team independently graded the strength of evidence on each key question. If the team members disagreed about an evidence grade, the final grade given was based on the majority opinion. They graded the strength of evidence on each question as strong (Grade A), moderate (Grade B), weak (Grade C), or insufficient (Grade I).

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1. What are the efficacy and safety of LMWH compared with UFH for the treatment of DVT?

2. What are the efficacy and safety of LMWH compared with UFH for the treatment of PE?

3a. What are the efficacy and safety of outpatient versus inpatient treatment of DVT with LMWH or UFH?

3b. What is the cost-effectiveness of outpatient versus inpatient treatment of DVT with LMWH or UFH?

4. What is the optimal duration of treatment for DVT and PE in patients without known thrombophilic disorders and in patients with thrombophilic disorders?

5. How accurate are clinical prediction rules used for the diagnosis of DVT or PE?

6a. What are the test characteristics of ultrasonography for diagnosis of DVT?

6b. Are calf vein thromboses adequately identified with ultrasound?

7a. What are the test characteristics of helical CT for diagnosis of PE?

7b. What are the test characteristics of MRI and MRA for diagnosis of PE?

8. What are the test characteristics of D-dimer for diagnosis of VTE?

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Future Research

Efficacy and Safety of LMWH for DVT and PE

Future research is needed to address the relative risks and benefits of specific LMWH preparations and their efficacy in subpopulations of patients with VTE (e.g., PE only) and unique patient populations (e.g., patients with malignancies, or other thrombophilic conditions).

Outpatient Versus Inpatient Treatment of DVT

Additional studies are needed to evaluate the use of outpatient therapy among a less restricted group of patients, or specifically in high-risk subgroups such as patients with malignancies or known hereditary thrombophilias. Also needed are high quality trials designed as equivalency studies to confirm that LMWH as an outpatient is equivalently effective and safe relative to UFH in the hospital. Additional trials are needed of LMWH as an outpatient for stable patients with PE. LMWH needs to be evaluated for outpatients with symptomatic calf vein thrombosis.

Duration of Treatment for VTE

Further research is needed regarding the optimal duration of therapy after PE. The results of ongoing randomized studies of low dose warfarin for long duration prophylaxis will help clarify whether prevention of VTE can be achieved with greater safety. Additional trials regarding duration of therapy in patients with permanent thrombotic risk factors are needed.

Clinical Prediction Rules

Further research is needed for refinement of the clinical prediction rules to optimize their performance characteristics and to test the addition of laboratory testing. Research is also needed to clarify the optimal role for clinical prediction rules. Are they to be used to aid in interpretation of radiologic tests or can they supplant further testing? Researchers will need to identify the most efficacious way to move these rules into general practice.

Radiologic Tests

Future research needs to clarify the role of ultrasonography for diagnosis of upper extremity DVT. Studies should incorporate discussion of the importance or lack of importance of diagnosis of calf vein thrombosis in studies that address the sensitivity and specificity of testing modalities. Additional systematic reviews of this topic could explore the heterogeneity between studies and alternative ways to present the aggregate data.

The question about the use of helical CT would benefit from more high quality prospective studies in which helical CT is compared to pulmonary arteriography for detecting PE. Future studies of MRI/MRA need to be standardized in terms of speed, image acquisition, number of breath holds, presence or absence of cardiac gating, and dose of contrast to yield precise estimates of test characteristics. The feasibility of MRI/MRA in patients with symptomatic PE (with tachypnea and tachycardia) needs to be studied.


Future research is needed with attention to the clinical spectrum of the patients, the duration of symptoms, the clinical setting, age, and comorbid conditions of the patients. Another important point not addressed adequately in the literature is the role of abnormal D-dimer levels in patients with calf vein thrombosis.

Overall Areas of Future Research

Clinicians need to know the role of newer agents (including lepirudin, argatroban, or fondaparinux) in the treatment of VTE. Studies should examine the role of systemic thrombolytics in the treatment of PE and DVT for patients without a life-threatening burden of clot. Additional work also needs to be done in clarifying the optimal treatment of patients with thrombophilias such as malignancies and prothrombotic mutations, including duration of treatment, prothrombin time requirements, and prophylactic regimens.

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Availability of Full Report

The full evidence report from which this summary was taken was prepared for AHRQ by the Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center under contract number 290-97-0007. Printed copies may be obtained free of charge from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse by calling 800-358-9295. Requestors should ask for Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No. 68, Diagnosis and Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.

The Evidence Report is also online on the National Library of Medicine Bookshelf, or can be downloaded as a set of PDF files or as a zipped file.

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Current as of January 2003
AHRQ Publication Number 03-E012

Internet Citation:

Diagnosis and Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism. Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 68. AHRQ Publication Number 03-E012, January 2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/epcsums/dvtsum.htm

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