Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 53

Management of Prolonged Pregnancy


Under its Evidence-based Practice Program, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is developing scientific information for other agencies and organizations on which to base clinical guidelines, performance measures, and other quality improvement tools. Contractor institutions review all relevant scientific literature on assigned clinical care topics and produce evidence reports and technology assessments, conduct research on methodologies and the effectiveness of their implementation, and participate in technical assistance activities.

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Overview / Reporting the Evidence / Methodology / Findings / Future Research / Availability of Full Report


The estimated date of confinement, or due date, for normal pregnancies is calculated as 38 weeks after conception, or 40 weeks after the first day of the last normal menstrual period (assuming a "normal" 28-day menstrual cycle). Prolonged pregnancy has traditionally been defined as a pregnancy that extends 2 weeks or more beyond the estimated day of confinement, or 42 weeks. Approximately 18 percent of pregnancies in the United States extend beyond 41 weeks, and 7 percent extend beyond 42 weeks.

It has long been known that pregnancies extending many weeks beyond the average length are at increased risk for adverse outcomes, both because certain fetal anomalies, such as anencephaly, are associated with prolonged pregnancy, and also because of an increased incidence of stillbirth among otherwise normal infants.

The increasing availability of ultrasound has significantly improved the accuracy of pregnancy dating and detection of fetal anomalies, so that extremely long gestations are rare. However, adverse outcomes continue to be associated with prolonged gestation.

In some cases, these risks appear to be due to uteroplacental insufficiency, resulting in eventual fetal hypoxia. Data from large registries show that the risk of perinatal death, especially of antepartum stillbirth, increases with advancing gestational age. If risk is calculated based on the number of ongoing pregnancies, gestational-age-specific stillbirth risk reaches a nadir at 37-38 weeks and then begins to increase slowly. Risks increase substantially after 41 weeks; however, the absolute risk is still low (between 1 and 2 per 1,000 ongoing pregnancies between 41 and 43 weeks).

Other adverse outcomes associated with uteroplacental insufficiency include meconium aspiration, growth restriction, and intrapartum asphyxia. In other cases, continued growth of the fetus leads to macrosomia, increasing the risk of labor abnormalities, shoulder dystocia, and brachial plexus injuries.

Potential maternal risks associated with prolonged gestation, besides the obvious emotional trauma accompanying an unexpected fetal death or serious complication, include potential increased risk of injury to the pelvic floor associated with difficult deliveries of macrosomic infants.

Interventions intended to prevent adverse perinatal outcomes, such as induction of labor and cesarean section, may themselves carry iatrogenic risks, such as increased rates of infection, hemorrhage, or other complications.

Several strategies currently are used in practice to prevent adverse outcomes associated with advancing gestation. Testing methods developed for reducing perinatal morbidity and mortality in women with high-risk pregnancies because of diabetes, hypertension, or other complications of pregnancy have been applied to women with pregnancies extending beyond 40 weeks.

Another strategy, induction of labor at a predefined gestational age, has been proposed and evaluated as a method of reducing perinatal mortality and other adverse outcomes associated with prolonged gestation. However, because the point at which the risk of adverse outcomes outweighs the risks and costs of active interventions is uncertain, controversy remains about the optimal timing and methods for managing increased risks to both fetus and mother associated with prolonged gestation.

Investigators at the Duke University Evidence-based Practice Center reviewed the evidence concerning the benefits, risks, and costs of commonly used tests, induction agents, and strategies for reducing the risks associated with prolonged gestation. Because of the inherent uncertainty in estimates of gestational age, variability in the length of otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies, and the lack of clear consensus on when risks of adverse outcomes outweigh risks of intervention, the researchers did not restrict the review to interventions performed only after a specified gestational age.

This summary and an evidence report were prepared based on the Duke EPC review. The primary target audiences for the summary and evidence report are groups involved in writing guidelines or educational documents on management of prolonged pregnancy for health care professionals. Secondary audiences include:

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Reporting the Evidence

Key Research Questions

Four key research questions were addressed:

  1. What are the test characteristics (reliability, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values) and costs of measures used in the management of prolonged pregnancy to:
    1. Assess risks to the fetus and mother of prolonged pregnancy?
    2. Assess the likelihood of a successful induction of labor?
  2. What is the direct evidence comparing the benefits, risks, and costs of planned induction versus expectant management at various gestational ages?
  3. What are the benefits, risks, and costs of currently available interventions for the induction of labor?
  4. Are the epidemiology and outcomes of prolonged pregnancy different for women in different ethnic groups, socioeconomic groups, or age groups (i.e., adolescents)?

Interventions Assessed

The following interventions were considered:


  1. Tests to determine risk of stillbirth or compromise related to prolonged gestation, including:
  2. Tests to determine the risk of macrosomia, including estimation of fetal weight (maternal judgment, clinical examination, ultrasound).
  3. Tests to estimate likely success of induction of labor, including:

Management Options Other than Testing

  1. No intervention (either induction or testing).
  2. Interventions to prevent prolonged pregnancy (scheduled sweeping of membranes).
  3. Planned induction (either 41 weeks, 42 weeks, or later).
  4. Testing for fetal well-being (using tests described above):

Specific Agents/Interventions Used to Induce Labor

The researchers did not attempt to systematically review the basic and clinical research on the physiology of normal parturition, the role of routine ultrasound in early pregnancy, or interventions performed during labor and delivery to reduce the risks of adverse outcomes of conditions associated with, but not unique to, prolonged pregnancy (such as oligohydramnios or meconium-stained amniotic fluid).

Patient Population and Settings

The primary patient population considered in the review was pregnant women with a single fetus in the vertex position, approaching or past the estimated date of confinement, without any other medical or obstetrical complications (including prior cesarean section), where the only potential factor increasing the risk of an adverse perinatal or maternal outcome was advancing gestational age. The researchers also examined the potential interaction of this risk with age and race/ethnicity.

The principal practice settings considered were:

Outcomes Considered

Outcomes considered varied depending on the study and the question being addressed, but the researchers focused primarily on clinically relevant outcomes. Data recorded included:

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Literature Sources Used

The primary sources of literature were the following databases (with search years shown in parentheses) MEDLINE® (1980-December 2000), HealthSTAR (1980-December 2000), CINAHL (1983-December 2000), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) (Issue 4, 2000; Issue 1, 2001; and Issue 2, 2001), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE), and EMBASE (1980-Jan 2000). Searches of these databases were supplemented by secondary searches of reference lists in all included articles, especially Cochrane review articles, scanning of current issues of journals not yet indexed in the computerized bibliographic databases, and suggestions from an advisory panel.

The initial searches were performed in MEDLINE® and then duplicated in other databases. All searches were limited to English-language articles published since 1980 involving human subjects. The cut-off threshold of 1980 was based on the lack of general availability of ultrasound prior to that date. It was judged that trials conducted and published prior to 1980 would be problematic both in terms of the accuracy of diagnosis and comparability with current testing and management strategies. Primary MeSH® terms used in all searches included "pregnancy,prolonged/" and "post$ pregnan$.tw."

Screening of Articles

The searches yielded 701 English-language articles. Abstracts from these articles were reviewed against the inclusion/exclusion criteria by six physician investigators, with assistance from one senior medical student. A team of two investigators reviewed each abstract; when no abstract was available, the title, source, and MeSH® words were reviewed. At this stage, articles were included if requested by one member of the team. At the full-text screening stage, two investigators independently reviewed each article, and disagreements were resolved through discussion.

Each screened article was coded according to three topic areas:

  1. Testing: two or more tests were compared in terms of accuracy or agreement of test results, or the test result was correlated with some health outcome.
  2. Management: the article addressed the relative effectiveness of planned induction versus expectant management or the relative effectiveness of an induction agent.
  3. Testing and management: some combination of the above.

Included study designs were determined by the article's topic area. Study designs for articles on testing or testing and management included randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, and large case series (at least 20 subjects). The only study design included for management articles was the randomized controlled trial.

Studies of these types were included if they met the following criteria:

Exclusion criteria included:

Data Abstraction Process

Teams of two investigators performed the data abstraction for eligible articles identified at the full-text screening stage. For each included article, one physician completed the data abstraction form, and the other served as an "over-reader." The information from the data abstraction form—including details on study characteristics, patient population, outcomes, and quality measures—was then summarized into evidence tables. Data abstraction assignments were made based on clinical and research interests and expertise.

Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Articles

Using criteria developed for prior evidence reports, the researchers evaluated each article for the presence or absence of factors influencing internal and external validity. These criteria were:

Additional Data Sources

The researchers also examined discharge data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample maintained by AHRQ. This database contains administrative discharge data from over 1,000 hospitals in 22 States (at the time of the review), representing a stratified sample of 20 percent of U.S. hospitals. The researchers used these data to provide supplemental information on differences in the epidemiology and outcomes of prolonged pregnancy between ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

Using ICD-9 codes, they divided all deliveries into "preterm" (644.2x), prolonged (645.x), and "term" (all other delivery codes). The researchers examined differences in outcomes between coded ethnic groups (white, black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian, and other) and by insurance status (Medicare, Medicaid, private/health maintenance organization, self-pay/no insurance, "no charge," and "other") within these categories.

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The principal findings of the report are summarized here.

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Future Research

Future research on the management of prolonged pregnancy should include the following:

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Availability of the Full Report

The full evidence report from which this summary was taken was prepared for AHRQ by the Duke Evidence-based Practice Center, Durham, NC, under contract number 290-97-0014. Printed copies may be obtained free of charge from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse by calling 800-358-9295. Requesters should ask for Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No. 53, Management of Prolonged Pregnancy.

The Evidence Report is also online on the National Library of Medicine Bookshelf, or can be downloaded as a set of PDF files or as a zipped file.

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AHRQ Publication Number 02-E012
Current as of March 2002

Internet Citation:

Management of Prolonged Pregnancy. Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 53. AHRQ Publication No. 02-E012, March 2002. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/epcsums/prolongsum.htm

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