Providing national leadership and coordination for federally sponsored volunteer programs
to benefit the nation's natural and cultural resources.

Our History

The Federal Interagency Team on Volunteerism (FITV) was established in the 1980s as a loose confederation of agencies formed to coordinate and exchange information about federally administered volunteer programs focused on preserving natural and cultural resources.

Through an interagency Memorandum of Understanding, FITV is now a formal team working to advance the common vision and objectives of its members who are dedicated to public service, volunteerism, and expanding the public's understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of America's natural and cultural resources. Through a vibrant partnership of open communication, information-sharing, and training, FITV seeks to promote the vitality of its members' individual programs of volunteer service while raising the professional level of all participating agencies' volunteer programming staffs.

Never doubt that a small, thoughtful group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

--Margaret Mead


BLM Presents Annual "Making a Difference" Awards

President's Call for Volunteerism


FITV consists of nine Federal government agencies from three different Cabinet departments concerned with the preservation and use of natural and cultural resources.

US. Department of Agriculture

  • U.S. Forest Service
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service

US. Department of the lnterior

  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Bureau of Reclamation
  • US. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • US. Geological Survey
  • National Park Service

US. Department of Defense

  • US. Army Corps of Engineers