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October is National Medical Librarians Month In celebration, the MidContinental Regional Medical Library would like to send a congratulatory letter to hospital administrators informing them of the invaluable services medical librarians provide. Take a moment out of your busy schedule to advocate for your library. Download and modify this letter to your hospital administrator. Please do not adjust the margins, as they are set for MCR letterhead. Email the modified letter to the Regional Medical Library in Utah for signature, and it will be mailed to your administrator in October.

photoSearch Strategies CD
It's now available ...The Search Strategies CD, produced to meet the needs of nursing students who may not have access to high speed Internet for NNLM tutorials. It covers the basics of searching, PubMed, MedlinePlus, Internet sources and evaluation - 27 minutes. For your free copy, contact Marty Magee at mmagee@unmc.edu.

photoTechnology Journal Club
Currently active in the Kansas City area and going online in the fall, this Technology Journal Club is exploring the diffusion of innovation and technologies and how librarians can act as technological change agents in their institution. Four participants are meeting every three weeks to discuss the thought-provoking readings.

photoConsumer Health Resource Directory
The Consumer Health Resource Directory was created for librarians and the public by consumer health librarians. The data compiled in this directory comes from the listserv of the Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS) of the Medical Library Association.

Here you can browse information by category, or search by keyword or subject. You can even add resources to aid others in their quest for Consumer Health Resources.

photoCommunity Health Information Blog
Many students and faculty at academic institutions, as well as health care providers at hospitals, are involved in community projects outside the walls of their professional workplace. They are in clinics, K-12 schools, churches, and other community organizations, providing outreach to patients beyond the traditional office visit or classroom. As their information resource, they turn to you to find materials that will expand their ability to provide good care to the community, and you in turn can turn to the blog. Visit the blog today!

photoBi-national Health Week October 10th to 16th
As the Hispanic population in our communities has almost doubled in the last decade, health professionals, educators, librarians and community organizations are coming together to address the Hispanic health needs. For the first time Missouri (Kansas City and Springfield) will host a Bi-national Health Week (BHW) where the health needs of Mexican immigrants will be addressed through talks, health fairs and food feasts. For more information contact Janet Ashwell, Kansas Liaison at jashell@kumc.edu and have a look at the BHW website at http://www.alianzas.us/bhw/.

photoVideoconferencing Class Available
"Can You Hear Me Now? Audio and Videoconferencing for Communication, Distance Education and Telehealth" is a 2-hour class covering Voice Over IP (VoIP) applications as well as high and low-end videoconferencing hardware and software. For more information on the class, contact Sharon Dennis at sdennis@lib.med.utah.edu.

NLM Logo   National Library of Medicine
Eccles Library Logo   University of Utah
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library


Funded by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. NO1-LM-1-3514.
Contact the NN/LM MCR team at: 800-338-7657 or 801-587-3412