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Demonstration for BRC Exercises 10 and 4, & Scoring for "Limited Space Maneuvers" for BRC and ERC

Numerous questions have been raised concerning which “box” should be used for demonstrations of BRC exercise 10, ERC exercise 4, and for the scoring of “Limited Space Maneuvers” on personally owner motorcycles.

It is suggested that for Navy / Marine Corps the demonstration for both the BRC / ERC will be in the 70’ x 28’ “box”.  

For the BRC / ERC bikes over 500 cc should use the 28’ and 24’ widths.  As the length is less stressful then the width riders should be encouraged to reduce both the length and width of the maneuver as skills improve. 

Scoring on the BRC / ERC on bikes over 500 cc will be from the 70’ x 24’ “box”. 

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