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Sites with International Information

DISCLAIMER: The meteorologists at JAWF frequently use the sites listed below, but are not responsible for any of the contents.

USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Attache Reports - Easy to use searches for recent reports (be liberal with dates requested).

United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Production estimates, among other useful information.

US Agency for International Development's Famine Early Warning System (FEWS) - Reports and Assessments Specific to Africa.

Successful Farming's Agriculture Online - Good News Info
World Agriculture Online

European Agriculture Web Links


Home Page of the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries,and Feed - (in Spanish and English) Excellent!! Historical Statistics
Agricultural Information on Crops, Rainfall and Planting Progess - (in Spanish)

National Weather Service of Argentina - (in Spanish) Excellent!! Scoll down the menu on the right side of the screen to see the following products: Normalized Vegetation Index, Soil Moisture, Agroclimatological Bulletin, and Agricultural Weather Forecasts.


AgriWeb - A good starting point; has links by subject to major organizations, government and private.

Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology - Quick, comprehensive forecasts.
Laurier Williams Weather Links and News - Quick, has forecasts and other meteorological information data.
Atmospheric Sciences, Macqarie University - Comprehensive list of weather related sites.
Australia's Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN)

Queensland Depts. of Primary Industries / Natural Resources "Long Paddock" - Climate studies, ENSO discussions, etc. (good info but slow; be patient).

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) .
Australian Wheat Board.


Center for meteorology and Geodynamics - (In German) Click here for Current Weather Data from same site.


Home Page of the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) - (Mostly French & Flemish with some English)
RMI Climate Page - Good monthly climate summaries with some rankings
RMI Satellite, Radar, and Lightning (SAFIR) Page


Brazilian Institute of Meteorology - Maps and outlooks (in Portugese, but worthwhile and fairly easy to decipher).
Brazilian Center of Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies - Rainfall analyses and weather model output (mixture of Portugese).


Brunei Meteorological Service - (In English) Forecasts and climate information.


Bulgarian National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - Current Weather obs and Black Sea info in English; monthly bulletin in Bulgarian


Environment Canada (English) - Quick forecasts, graphics.
Canadian Meteorological Centre
Canada Agriculture Online - Good Weather Page and Ag News

Agriculture Alberta Climate Information
Manitoba Water Resources Branch (Dept. of Natural Resources) - Flood information.
Flood 1997 (from above) - Includes imagery depicting areal extent of flooding, updates for current season.
Manitoba Emergency Management Organization.

Canadian Agricultural Statistics and Provincial Crop Reports - Assorted Provincial government sites.

NOTE: Other interesting information can be obtained from these sites by branching up to the home (or parent) page.

New logo The Agrometeorological Centre of Excellence - Links to above information, plus other products related to crop and disease modeling.


National Satellite Meteorological Center of the Chinese Meteorological Administration - (in English) Infared, Water Vapor, and Visible images from the Chinese FY-2 Geostationary satellite
Current Weather Observations from the Chinese Meteorological Administration - (in Chinese) Clickable Map of Major Chinese Cities

How to display Chinese characters on Internet web pages - Page down to the "Frequently asked questions" step 1


Meteorological Direction of Chile - (in Spanish) Very good site with daily temperature and precipitation data, synoptic surface chart of SE Pacific, detailed El Niño information, and good clickable forecast map.


Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environment Studies - (in Spanish)

Costa Rica

National Meteorological Institute - (in Spanish) Daily forecasts, El Niño bulletins, and 3 month forecasts


Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia - (Croatian with some English)
This site has Forecasts (PROGNOZE VREMENA), weather observations, Adriatic forecasts, radar, and satellite.
Click on MED-HYCOS to get information, maps, and data on five automatic hydrological stations.

Czech Republic

Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (HMI) - (Czech with some English)

Main Weather Page of Czech HMI
Sections of the Main Weather Page in English:
Radar - Click on Recent Radar Data for radar animation
Numerical Weather Predictions
Solar and Ozone Observatory
Other Sections include (in Czech only):
BioMeteorlogical Applications
Map of Czech weather stations


Home Page of Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) - (in English) Regional Text Forecasts
Danish Weather Display System - (in Danish) Very Good. The following are sites within the display system.
DMI's Radar Images
DMI's Current Weather Display - (in Danish) Can Display 3 hourly data with 8 parameters. Worth a Look. Also available for Greenland and Faroe Islands.
DMI's Monthly Climate Summary - (in Danish with some tables)
Danish Weather records since 1874 - (in Danish)
Greenland Ice Charts - (in Danish)


National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - (in Spanish) Click on "pronostico diario del tiempo" for weather forecasts. The Boletin Metereologico has good synoptic and climaatological information.
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) - SICA Project - (in English and Spanish) Good info on various crops (production, situation & outlook, supply & demand) under Agricultural Performance in the Economy (El Agro en la Economía) and Agribusiness Systems (Cadenas Agroindustriales).


Finnish Meteorological Institute - (in English) Basic Forecast Information and Overview of Research


Meteo-France - (in French) Forecasts, weather obs, etc


German Weather Service (DWD) - (some English, mostly German) Weather obs, some forecasts, good information on data policy and organizational structure.
DWD Research article on flooding in China's Yangtze Valley during the summer of 1998 - In English

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Observatory - (in English and Chinese) Weather obs, some forecasts, good information on data policy and organizational structure.


Hungarian Agriculture Web Page - (n English) Good Source of Hungarian Ag Info.
The Hungarian Agriculture and Food Industry in Figures - (n English) Good general Stats on Hungarian Ag

Main Page of Hungarian Met Service - (in Hungarian and English)
Weather Forecasts and Data Plots - (Forecasts in Hungarian) Good Data Plots
Monthly Weather Reports - (in English) Overviews of Previous Months
Climatological and Agrometeorological Division of Hungarian Met Service - (in English)

Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) - (in English) General National Statistics
National Agricultural Stats from HCSO - (in English)
Regional Average Yields for 7 Crops - (in English).
Regional Livestock Stats - (in English).

Budapest Sun - Online Hungarian Newspaper in English


Indonesian Meteorological and Geophysical Agency - (in English) Weather obs, some forecasts, good information on data policy and organizational structure.


Macau Meteorological Geophysical Services - (in English) Weather obs, forecasts, and tropical cyclone information

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Hydrometeorological Institute of Republic of Macedonia - (in English) Climate info, and current weather obs


Malaysia Dept of Agriculture - Crop and livestock stats, irrigation info, and maps (mostly English).

Malaysian Meteorological Service - English.
The Met Service's Climate Page - Includes monthly write-up and rainfall maps.


SAGAR - Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, and Rural Development - (in Spanish) Agricultural Data (See CEA link below) and Links to 18 other Mexican Ag Organinzations.
Mexican Center of Agricultural Statistics (CEA) - (in Spanish) Monthly rainfall by state, reservoir data, and agricultural production data.
Mexican Weather Service - Daily data, radar, satellite imagery, outlooks, etc. (in Spanish).


Home Page of Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) - (in Dutch)
KNMI Weather Data Page - (in Dutch) Some recent obs, all forecasts are in Dutch text.

New Zealand

New Zealand Met Service - Quick, easy forecast products.


Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI) - (in English) Basic forecasts and recent Obs


National Aeronautaicla Administration - (in Spanish)


Meteorological Institute of Portugal - (in Portugues) Text Forecasts and weather obs


Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - (Polish) Forecasts, weather obs, and Hydrology


National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - (Romanian with some English) Click on Prognoza Meteo to get forecasts and then Starea Vremii for station data.


Meteorological Service Singapore - (English)


Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute - (In English and Slovak) Information on ordering monthly weather bulletin

SLOVAKIA.ORG: The guide to the Slovak Republic - (English) Good Resource about Slovakia
Slovak Spectator: Leading source of information about Slovakia in English


Hydrometeorological Institute of Slovenia - (In Slovene) Click on the first item (Zadnji Podatki) to get forecasts, weather data, and radar imagery.

South Africa

AgriWeb - A good starting point; has links by subject to major organizations, goverment and private.

South African Department of Agriculture
South African Weather Bureau


Home Page of the National Meteorological Institute - (In Spanish) Good information
Weather Data - (In Spanish) This page includes some of the following info:
Normal Climatological Values - Select regions or stations to see 1961-90 normals
Table of Daily Max/Min Temperature Values - (In Spanish)
Map of Significant Weather - (In Spanish)
Precipitation Forecasts - (In Spanish)
Maps of Temp & Precip from Automated Weather Stations - (In Spanish) Select the region and then the product and click on Aceptar


Home Page of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - (In Swedish with some English) Weather obs with good graphics. Good info on weather records.


Swiss Meteorological Institute - (In English and German) Forecasts, weather obs, and radar


Taiwan Weather Bureau

United Kingdom

UK Meteorological Office - Forecasts, weather obs, and Hydrology
Farmers Weekly Interactive - British Ag Info - Need to register for free information. Excellect Weather and Pest/Disease Information

Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia)

Federal HydroMeteorological Institute - Forecasts, weather obs, and hydrological data


Zambia Meteorological Department


Zimbabwe Meteorological Services Department


List of National Weather Services of some Members of the World Meteorological Organization
World-Wide Meteorological Links from the German Weather Service

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Contact:(202) 720-9807 for additional information. Or e-mail to: mbrusberg@oce.usda.gov
Last revised: July 26, 2000.