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Chemicals are known by a variety of identifiers, including names and structural diagrams. Thus there is often a need to use a dictionary, or a thesaurus to help find information for a particular substance. The databases maintained by the Division of Specialized Information Services (SIS) contain a great deal of information about chemical substances. The substances range from helpful drugs to potentially hazardous chemicals. In order to help users determine the identity of a substance, as well as to point them to files or resources of interest, SIS maintains several chemical online resources.

The primary SIS chemical dictionary is ChemIDplus, a database of over 367,000 chemical records. It allows searching for chemicals by name, structure and other properties such as molecular formula. It is available on the Chemical Information Page. The Chemical Information Page also contains a variety of structural information data, including the NCI-3D database.

NLM also provides other chemical information resources. The NLM MeSH file, is the master thesaurus for NLM Medical Indexing. In addition to subject indexing, it also contains chemical authority data about substances referenced in the Medline file. The NLM Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) serves as a source of chemical nomenclature data from a variety of sources.

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