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1,000 awards found, displaying 1 to 50.
[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 [Next/Last]
Award Number Title NSF Organization Program(s) Start Date Principal Investigator State Organization
0430354 An Adaptive Integrated Behavior Monitoring and Modeling Approach for High Performance/High Speed Network Computing Environments SCI ITR-CYBERTRUST, CYBER TRUST 10/01/2005 Vaughn, Rayford MS Mississippi State University
0438300 SCI: NMI DEVELOPMENT: Middleware for Adaptive Robust Collaborations across Heterogeneous Environments and Systems (MARCHES) SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 02/01/2005 Cheng, Liang PA Lehigh University
0438193 SCI: Mobile-Agent-Based Middleware for Distributed Job Coordination SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 01/01/2005 Fukuda, Munehiro WA University of Washington
0438271 SCI: NMI Development: Energy-Conserving Middleware with Off-Network Control Processing in Embedded Sensor Networks SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 01/01/2005 Biswas, Subir MI Michigan State University
0438314 SCI: NMI DEVELOPMENT: Scalable Distributed Information Management System SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 01/01/2005 Dahlin, Michael TX University of Texas at Austin
0438443 SCI: NMI Development for Public-Resource Computing and Storage SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 01/01/2005 Anderson, David CA University of California-Berkeley
0438385 SCI: Collaborative Research: NMI DEVELOPMENT: Policy Controlled Attribute Framework SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 12/01/2004 Keahey, Katarzyna IL University of Chicago
0438424 SCI: Collaborative Research: NMI DEVELOPMENT: Policy Controlled Attribute Framework SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 12/01/2004 Welch, Von IL University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
0430781 SCI: II: The TeraFlow Project: High Performance Flows for Mining Large Distributed Data Archives SCI ITR-INFORMATION INTEGRATION 10/01/2004 Grossman, Robert IL University of Illinois at Chicago
0431007 SCI:Workshop: A TeacherTech Program for Pittsburgh, PSU, Summer 2004, Pittsburgh, PA SCI PART FOR ADVANCED COMP INFRA 10/01/2004 Clayton, Beverly PA Carnegie-Mellon University
0437810 SCI: Keeping Condor Flight Worthy SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 10/01/2004 Livny, Miron WI University of Wisconsin-Madison
0438263 SCI: NMI DEVELOPMENT: Design, Development, and Deployment of the Web Services Resource Framework on the .NET Framework SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 10/01/2004 Humphrey, Marty VA University of Virginia Main Campus
0438372 SCI: NMI DEVELOPMENT: Performance Inside: Performance Monitoring and Diagnosis for NMI Software and Applications SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 10/01/2004 Schopf, Jennifer IL University of Chicago
0438430 SCI: NMI Development: The Computational Chemistry Prototyping Environment SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 10/01/2004 baldridge, kim CA University of California-San Diego
0439204 SCI: Advanced Computing in Cell Biology: Investigation and Foundation SCI SHARED CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE 10/01/2004 Holmes, Raquell MA Boston University
0439932 SCI: Cyberinfrastructure in K-12 Education SCI SHARED CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE 10/01/2004 Berman, Francine CA University of California-San Diego
0440133 SGER: E-Learning Technologies SCI SHARED CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE 10/01/2004 Lathrop, Scott IL University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
0442226 SCI: Terascale Computing System SCI TERASCALE COMPUTING SYSTEMS 10/01/2004 Levine, Michael PA MPC Corporation
0448993 SCI: NSF Workshop: Planning for Cyberinfrastructure Software SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 10/01/2004 Blatecky, Alan NC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
0456541 SCI: Terascale Computing System SCI 10/01/2004 Levine, Michael PA MPC Corporation
0417458 CRCD/EI: Effective Distance Learning Through Sustained Interactivity and Visual Realism SCI CISE EDUCAT RES & CURRIC DEVEL 09/15/2004 Popescu, Voicu IN Purdue University
0426021 CRCD/EI: Adaptive Explanatory Visualization for Learning Programming Concepts SCI CISE EDUCAT RES & CURRIC DEVEL 09/15/2004 Brusilovsky, Peter PA University of Pittsburgh
0441187 SCI: SGER: eTEACH Application to Computational Science Curriculum SCI SHARED CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE 09/15/2004 Moses, Gregory WI University of Wisconsin-Madison
0441149 SCI: SGER: Leveraging Internet2 Facilities for the Network Research Community SCI HIGH PERF NETWK CONNECT-SCIENG 09/01/2004 Summerhill, R. Richard MI University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development
0434499 SCI: Workshop: Fourth Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, November 2004 in Japan SCI SPECIAL PROJECTS IN NET RESEAR 08/15/2004 Hunziker, Janet DC National Academy of Sciences
0412633 SCI/SGER: GRIM Core Framework Development SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 06/01/2004 Striegel, Aaron IN University of Notre Dame
0432288 SCI WORKSHOP: Grid Performance Workshop 2004; London, England (UK) SCI SHARED CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE, NEXT GENERATION SOFTWARE PROGR 06/01/2004 Schopf, Jennifer IL University of Chicago
0432881 SCI WORKSHOP: PKI Coordination Workshops for Higher Education and the Federal Government; June 16, 2004; Washington, DC SCI SHARED CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE 06/01/2004 Luker, Mark DC Educause
0354202 Workshop: New Paradigms for Developing Peta-Scalable Codes SCI PART FOR ADVANCED COMP INFRA 05/01/2004 Levine, Michael PA Carnegie-Mellon University
0414407 SGER: NMI: Grid Usage Sensors and Services SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 04/01/2004 von Laszewski, Gregor IL University of Chicago
0334336 SCI: Puerto Rico Regional Network for High performance Connection SCI EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES, HIGH PERF NETWK CONNECT-SCIENG 03/15/2004 Rivera, Jose PR University of the Sacred Heart
0415016 SCI WORKSHOP: UK-US High Performance Computing Workshop, April 15-16, 2004 SCI PART FOR ADVANCED COMP INFRA 03/15/2004 Levine, Michael PA Carnegie-Mellon University
0424148 Reimbursable Detail SCI 02/09/2004 MUNOZ, JOSE DC Department of Energy
0355041 SGER: New Off-Grid Networks in Rural and Wild Environments SCI NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE 01/15/2004 Mitchell, William MA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0335185 EIN: Collaborative Research: End-To-End Provisioned Optical Network Testbed for Large-Scale eScience Applications SCI EIN 01/01/2004 Rao, Nageswara TN Oak Ridge National Laboratory
0334088 STI: Viable Network Defense for Scientific Research Institutions SCI STRATEGIC TECH FOR INTERNET 11/01/2003 Paxson, Vern CA International Computer Science Institute
0330634 NMI: An Integrative Testing Framework for Grid Middleware and Grid Environments SCI NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 10/01/2003 Livny, Miron WI University of Wisconsin-Madison
0330670 NMI: Disseminating and Supporting Middleware Infrastructure: Engaging and Expanding Scientific Grid Communities SCI ADVANCED NET INFRA & RSCH, NETWORK CENTRIC MIDDLEWARE SVC 10/01/2003 Butler, Randal IL University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
0333603 HPNC: Providing a High Bandwidth Connection to Facilitate Network and Grid Computing Research and Education SCI HIGH PERF NETWK CONNECT-SCIENG 10/01/2003 Burnette, Colette OH Central State University
0333608 HPNC: Enabling the Next Step in Network Connectivity SCI HIGH PERF NETWK CONNECT-SCIENG 10/01/2003 Newman, J. Richard FL Florida Institute of Technology
0333617 HPNC: Assumption College and Holy Cross SCI HIGH PERF NETWK CONNECT-SCIENG 10/01/2003 Royston, Mimi MA Assumption College
0338605 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Bringing Neutron Science to the TeraGrid SCI TERASCALE COMPUTING SYSTEMS 10/01/2003 Dunning, Thomas TN Oak Ridge National Laboratory
0338618 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Indiana-Purdue Grid (IP-grid) SCI TERASCALE COMPUTING SYSTEMS 10/01/2003 McRobbie, Michael IN Indiana University
0338627 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Indiana-Purdue Grid (IP-grid) SCI TERASCALE COMPUTING SYSTEMS 10/01/2003 Bottum, James IN Purdue University
0338629 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Enhancing the Capabilities, Scope and Impact of the Extensible Terascale Facility SCI TERASCALE COMPUTING SYSTEMS 10/01/2003 Boisseau, John TX University of Texas at Austin
0352163 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Indiana-Purdue Grid (IP-grid) SCI 10/01/2003 Bottum, James IN Purdue University
0352164 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Bringing Neutron Science to the TeraGrid SCI 10/01/2003 Dunning, Thomas TN Oak Ridge National Laboratory
0352165 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Indiana-Purdue Grid (IP-grid) SCI 10/01/2003 McRobbie, Michael IN Indiana University
0352166 Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF): Enhancing the Capabilities, Scope, and Impact of the Extensible Terascale Facility SCI 10/01/2003 Boisseau, John TX University of Texas at Austin
0312376 ITR: Fast File Transfers Across Optical Circuit-Switched Networks SCI ITR SMALL GRANTS 09/15/2003 Veeraraghavan, Malathi NY Polytechnic University of New York

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