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Important Program Notice 


Mandatory Price Reporting, which provided GIPSA with authority to collect information posted on this site, expired October 22, 2004. Packers are no longer required to submit contract information to GIPSA, although GIPSA has asked them to do so on a voluntary basis. As of October 23, 2004, GIPSA cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of the information available through this program.


Welcome to the Swine Contract Library Home Page 


The Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) is implementing the Swine Contract Library as mandated by the 106th Congress. The amended Packers and Stockyards Act requires the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain a library or catalog of the types of contracts offered by packers to swine producers for the purchase of swine (including swine that are purchased for future delivery). The Swine Contract Library is intended to aid in the price discovery process and provide equal access to market information for all market participants.


Learn about the Swine Contract Library   
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Packers Submit Information
design element green arrow Contract summary reports - regional contract summaries
design element green arrow Monthly summary reports - estimated swine deliveries


design element green arrow Swine contracts - secure submission, login required
design element green arrow Monthly reports - secure submission, login required
design element green arrow Print forms & instructions - contract summary & monthly reports