USDA Forest Service
     Northeastern Area
Durham Field Office

USDA Forest Service
Northeastern Area
Durham Field Office
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824

(v)    (603) 868-7600
(f)    (603) 868-7604
(tdd) (603) 868-7603

Eagle Eye Institute brings "Environmental Justice in Boston" to USDA Forest Service

Durham, NH - Eagle Eye Institute addresses an undervalued issue. They establish bonds between the environment and youth who might not otherwise grow to appreciate the natural resources in their cities and beyond its borders. Through hands-on educational experiences, Eagle Eye reaches out to urban youth of color, teaches them the interrelationship of all living systems, and equips them to make intelligent, informed resource decisions throughout their lifetime.

The USDA Forest Service enjoys a strong partnership with Eagle Eye. To celebrate this partnership and as a capstone to Black History Month, the NA/NE Civil Rights Committee of Durham, NH invited Eagle Eye to speak on its programs, challenges, successes, and vision for the future. The Durham CR Committee uses this model of Forest Service partners speaking in real terms about their work to give our professionals the awareness and perspective to succeed with the diverse public we serve.

Anthony Sanchez and Melinda Stockman of Eagle Eye Institutes speak on connecting urban youth of color to natural resources. OfficAnthonty Sanchez praises the audience after a sing-along at the Durham Fielde

Eagle Eye's Executive Director, Anthony Sanchez, was lead speaker at the event which packed the DFO conference room with NE, NA, and NFS staff, and students from the University of New Hampshire. Anthony noted the importance of drawing out the knowledge and passion of natural resources professionals in order to reach the hearts and minds of his students.

"It's really a great match," agreed Bob Fitzhenry, chairperson of the USDA Forest Service Civil Rights Committee in Durham. "We're privileged with partners like Eagle Eye."

Mr. Sanchez and co-presenter Melinda Stockman, Wings Initiative Coordinator for Eagle Eye, took home many new opportunities to expand their partnership with the USDA Forest Service scientists and program leaders in Durham, NH. Of particular interest is the teaching forest Eagle Eye owns in western Massachusetts and the potential to introduce their students to the technology side of natural resources planning though a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping project.

Learn more about Eagle Eye Institute:

The USDA Forest Service enjoys a strong partnership with Eagle Eye.

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