USDA Forest Service
     Northeastern Area
Durham Field Office

USDA Forest Service
Northeastern Area
Durham Field Office
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824

(v)    (603) 868-7600
(f)    (603) 868-7604
(tdd) (603) 868-7603

Annual Report of the Forest Legacy Program
Fiscal Year 2002

The Forest Legacy Program Annual Report is produced by the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry as an information product for those who support the program and for the public that it serves.

Table of Contents

Title page (235 KB)
Discrimination Statement (29 KB)
Inside Cover (371 KB)
Preparers and Contributors (94 KB)
Table of Contents (54 KB)
Executive Summary (70 KB)
Program Overview (79 KB)
Partner Roles (279 KB)
Issue: Threats to Forest Uses (40 KB)
Implementation (35 KB)
Lessons Learned (61KB)
Start Small
Think Big
Patience Prevails
Recently Completed Forest Legacy Projects
Little Richland Creek Tract, Indiana – November 2001 (116 KB)
Pond of Safety Tract, New Hampshire – December 2001 (283 KB)
Bunnell Mountain Tract, New Hampshire – December 2001 (248 KB)
Indian Creek Tract, Indiana – February 2002 (114 KB)
Ossipee Mountains Tract, New Hampshire – March 2002 (165 KB)
Hatfield Watershed #2 Tract, Massachusetts – July 2002 (142 KB)
Kimball Pond Tract, New Hampshire – July 2002 (144 KB)
Alford Springs Tract, Massachusetts – July 2002 (107 KB)
Program Reviews (402 KB)
Budget Summary (198 KB)
Program Costs by Federal and Non-Federal Entities (90 KB)
Forest Legacy Program Activity (49 KB)

State Forest Legacy Programs
Connecticut (128 KB)
Delaware (96 KB)
Illinois (102 KB)
Indiana (144 KB)
Iowa (144 KB)
Maine (130 KB)
Maryland (125 KB)
Massachusetts (165 KB)
Minnesota (121 KB)
New Hampshire (147 KB)
New Jersey (121 KB)
New York (119 KB)
Pennsylvania (98 KB)
Rhode Island (129 KB)
Vermont (154 KB)
Wisconsin (57 KB)
Northeastern Area Offices (32 KB)
Forest Legacy Program State Contacts (62 KB)

Entire report

Part 1, Title Page to Table of Contents (113 KB)
Part 2, Executive Summary to Forest Legacy Program State Contacts (2639 KB)

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