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Heart/Stroke Maps

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Heart Disease and Stroke Maps

On this Page
Interactive State Maps
Updated Maps
Stroke Atlas
Heart Disease Atlases

Interactive State Maps

Sample screen from the interactive mapsThis section offers interactive maps that present heart disease and stroke mortality rates, county-by-county, for the state, racial/ethnic group, and gender of your choice.

Go to the Interactive State Maps

Updated National Heart Disease Maps

Below are links to updated national heart disease maps for the years 1996–2000 separated by ethnic group. Each map contains a link below it to view a larger version in PDF PDF logoformat.  Learn more about PDFs

Stroke Atlas

Cover of the Stroke Atlas The Atlas of Stroke Mortality: Racial, Ethnic and Geographic Disparities in the United States is the third in a series of CDC atlases related to cardiovascular disease, which have been published through a collaboration between CDC, West Virginia University, and the University of South Florida. In this section you can:

  • View and order the Atlas of Stroke Mortality
  • View national and state maps that show local disparities in stroke death rates for the five largest racial and ethnic groups in the United States

Go to the Stroke Atlas

Heart Disease Atlases

Cover of the Men's Atlas of Heart Disease  Cover of the Women's Atlas of Heart Disease

West Virginia University, the University of South Florida, and CDC developed these atlases to provide critical data on geographic, racial, and ethnic inequalities in women's and men's heart disease death rates for the five major racial and ethnic groups. In this section you can:

  • View and order both the Men's and Women's Atlases of Heart Disease
  • View state fact sheets for heart disease rates of the total U.S. population

Go to the Heart Disease Atlases

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This page last reviewed August 04, 2004

Department of Health Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Adult and Community Health