[Banner]: USDA Forest Service, Fire & Aviation Management.

Franklin Awards



Judging Criteria

2003 Award Winners

2002 Award Winners

2001 Award Winners

2000 Award Winners

1999 Award Winners

Photo of Benjamin Franklin, founder of volunteer fire service.

[Banner]  USDA Forest Service, fire & Aviation Management. Image of Franklin Award  lead crystal awards.

The Franklin Awards acknowledge the outstanding efforts of State Forestry cooperators in providing fire protection programs to all citizens, particularly those in underserved, rural communities. Sponsored by Forest Service Cooperative Forestry Program, the awards honor the outstanding efforts made by Forest Service State partners in rural and wildland fire safety. Award categories are shown below. Franklin awards are not presented for each category every year.

  • Volunteer Fire Assistance
    Best effort in using the Volunteer Fire Assistance grant program to improve fire service in underserved, rural communities
  • State Fire Assistance
    Best use of State Fire Assistance grants in areas of State Forestry responsibility, such as wildland/urban interface in underserved, rural communities
  • Federal Excess Personal Property
    Best effort to equip underserved, rural communities using excess property
  • Director’s Award
    Best overall effort in at least two of the above award categories




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