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Innovations in Fire

Maine puts General Aviation to Work

As diminishing budgets continue to impact the Maine Forest Service, further demands are placed on personnel and equipment in providing continued service to the taxpayers who expect the same protection with less state personnel and less equipment. A new and innovative way in protecting people’s welfare and their property from damage by wildland fire includes the public’s involvement.

Public messages, produced by the Maine Forest Service using radio and television, alerts the public to fire danger when the potential for fire is moderate to high. In the aviation arena, a poster has been developed by Maine’s Forest Service for posting in Fixed Base Operators offices and other airport offices to catch the eye of GA pilots. The theme is to request GA pilots to report any smoke observed from wildland fires so immediately dispatching of aerial and ground firefighters can conduct initial attacks. This results in a win-win situation. GA pilots will be observing more densely populated areas for smoke while State’s resources can more effectively patrol and react to those areas that are more remote. 

For more information, contact: 

Maine Forest Service
22 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0022

Telephone: (207) 287-2791
within Maine only 1-800-367-0223
TTY: (207)287-2213
Fax: (207)287-8422


Maine Forest Service UH-1H "Huey" HelicopterPreparing To Drop Water On Forest Fire

Photo Courtesy Maine Forest Service


 Courtesy Maine Forest Service

Page updated 9/9/2003