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Links to State Forestry Pages

These are not the only States with FEPP programs, but they are the only ones with FEPP or related web pages.


Alaska - The Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Program provides equipment and supplies for wildland fire fighting in Alaska.

Arkansas - The Rural Fire Protection of the Arkansas Forestry Commission, established in 1979, is designed to help communities organize, equip, and train volunteer fire departments.

Colorado - The CSFS Fire Equipment Shop provides mechanical support to rural fire departments, local, county, state and federal cooperators by developing, fabricating, repairing, and maintaining fire equipment.

Florida - Fire departments desiring equipment contact the local DOF representative to make request and sign lease agreements. Lease Agreements are no cost agreements between the state and the fire department, fire district, or county.

Georgia - Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is authorized to acquire excess Federal Government property for assistance in all phases of fire control for communities with populations of less than 10,000.

Illinois - Various programs have been developed at the state and federal level that are designed to provide management assistance to forest landowners, industry and fire departments.

Indiana - FEPP and VFA program's goal is to provide financial assistance to organize, train and equip fire departments in rural areas and communities to prevent and suppress fires.

Iowa - The Federal Excess Property Program is usually equipment, vehicles, on loan to Fire Departments for use in wildland fire protection.

Kansas - The Kansas Forest Service (KFS) obtains excess military property, generally limited to vehicles and fire equipment, and lends it to fire districts.

Kentucky - This program provides for the acquisition of federal excess property for wildland fire suppression. The Division of Forestry uses the equipment or loans it to rural fire departments.

Maine - Federal Excess Property is loaned for the life of the equipment or until the need no longer exists. Federal Excess Property that is no longer needed is reissued or turned back to the Federal Government.

Minnesota - The FEPP program has provided more than 1,000 vehicles to rural community fire departments throughout Minnesota and it has distributed annually between $3 - $5 million in federal excess property. FEPP equipment is acquired by the Excess Property Coordinator from various federal agencies and military installations nationwide.


Mississippi - Authorities State Foresters and the Forest Service have mutually participated in the Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) program since 1956, although some states joined later.

Montana - The state has distributed some $1,135,500 to all fifty-six counties since the beginning of the program.

Nebraska - Through a cooperative program with the U.S. Forest Service, we are able to acquire, recondition and assign for firefighting, vehicles which have become excess to the needs of the federal government. This program is called the Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) program.

New Hampshire - The FEPP Program enables the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands to acquire “on loan” from the federal government, property that assists the Division and fire departments in fulfilling their emergency response mission.

New Mexico - The New Mexico Forestry Division has been involved with acquiring federal excess property since our establishment as an agency.

North Dakota - The Federal Excess Personal Property Program loans surplus federal equipment to departments for enhancing fire fighting capabilities.

Oregon - This site contains the Departments Standards, Guidelines, Policies, procedures and other information relating to equipment (FEPP).

South Carolina - More than 1,000 pieces of federal excess equipment have been distributed to SC fire departments. Examples of property that comes available includes various trucks, trailers, tanks, pumps, air packs, and shop equipment.

Texas - The Texas Forest Service has the authority to acquire excess military equipment and assign the equipment to rural fire departments. This equipment is made available through the Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) program.

Washington - The Washington Department of National Resources, in cooperation with the United States Forest Service, loans used federal equipment to eligible Washington Fire Protection Districts that may be "recycled" back into service for use in fire fighting. Since 1991 DNR has loaned more than 3,100 pieces of equipment to Fire Protection Districts.