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Flood Hazard Mapping

Insurance Professionals and Lenders

Insurance Professionals and Lenders imageInsurance professionals and lenders are an important part of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Insurance professionals provide property owners with the opportunity to purchase federal flood insurance. Federally-regulated lenders must require flood insurance for any loan that has as collateral a structure located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) in a participating NFIP community. This has increased the number of flood insurance policies and helped reduce the financial impact of flooding to the Federal government and taxpayers. There are many sources of information available specifically for insurance professionals and lenders involved with the NFIP. The information below is a good source of general information.


Documents and Regulations

Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) www.fema.gov/fima
As part of FEMA's overall re-alignment, the Federal Insurance Administration and the Mitigation Directorate were united to form the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA).

The FIMA manages the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and provides flood insurance in communities that participate in the program. How the NFIP works explains the Emergency Program and Regular Program, two phases communities go through to participate in the program and the amount of coverage available for each phase.

National Flood Insurance Program

NFIP Laws and Regulations

Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines

Other FEMA Documents and Regulations

Other NFIP Reports, Newsletters and Bulletins


What's New

"Real Estate Agent to the Rescue" Video
This video highlights a real estate agent whose proactive approach was able to influence the homeowner’s decision to purchase flood insurance.

Flood Insurance Manual -- Effective October 1, 2003

What's New in Flood Hazard Mapping?



Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form
The Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form (FEMA Form 81-93) has been renewed. The new effective date of the form is October 2002 with an expiration date of October 31, 2005. The only changes made to the form were minor revisions to the instructions.

Lenders are required to use this form when determining whether the improved real property offered as collateral for security for any federally regulated or insured loan, is or will be located in a special flood hazard area in which flood insurance is available. The Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form may be used in a printed, computerized or electronic manner.

Elevation Certificate
The Elevation Certificate is a form that records the elevation of the lowest floor of a structure.

Other FEMA Forms

Other NFIP Forms


Order Maps

Map Service Center
The Map Service Center (MSC) provides Flood Insurance Rate Maps indicating a community's flood hazard areas and the designated flood zone and elevations, if applicable.

The FEMA Flood Map Store
Scanned maps, DFIRMs, Letters of Map Change, How-To guides and a host of other products are now available on-line to view and download. Visit the FEMA Flood Map Store to access the latest products.

F-MIT Basic
An image viewer, called Flood Map Image Tool (F-MIT) Basic version 1.0, is packaged with the scanned maps on CD-ROM. It allows customers to view, zoom in and pan the image. In addition, F-MIT enables customers to create a "FIRMette" - a section of the map at 100% scale that can be printed on standard paper sizes. Download the free viewer.

In addition, the MSC offers other flood related materials, Flood Insurance Study Reports, Digital Q3 flood data, Community Status Book, Flood Insurance Manual, Flood Map Status Information Service and Letters of Map Change.


FEMA-Sponsored Training

There are several upcoming workshops offered by the NFIP directed at lenders and insurance professionals involved in the NFIP. These workshops are held throughout the ten NFIP regions.

Upcoming Workshops for Lenders
Upcoming Workshops for Insurance Agents
Sponsored Seminars for Write Your Own (WYO) Companies

Insurance Agent Training
To better serve communities, the NFIP has designed online tutorials to train and prepare flood insurance agents.

Top 10 Facts Every Lender and Insurance Professional Should Know About NFIP
Lender Facts
Insurance Agent Facts


Contacts and Customer Service

NFIP Telephone Directory and Addresses

FEMA and NFIP Regional Offices

Flood Disaster Offices

Flood Zone Determination Companies

List of Companies/Vendors Providing Flood Insurance Rating Software

E-mail a Map SpecialistEnd of Skipping Links

Customer Service Hotline
FEMA has toll free telephone numbers that give the user an opportunity to ask questions about FEMA and NFIP and order literature.

Other Helpful Links

Compendium of Flood Map Charges

Flood Insurance Manual
The Flood Insurance Manual is used primarily by insurance companies and agents writing National Flood Insurance.

National Flood Insurance Program Description
This document provides an overview and history of the Program and covers it's three aspects: floodplain identification and mapping; floodplain management; and flood insurance.

Policy and Claim Statistics
Statistics are available by month, years, and State.

Resources for Lenders, Servicers and Examiners
A list of resources, services, publications, and public awareness materials to help lenders and loan servicers comply with the National Flood Insurance Act. Federal financial institution examiners may also find these services and materials useful.

Floods and Flash Floods
This fact sheet explains the difference between a flood and flash flood and measures that can be taken before, during and after emergency situtations.

Flood Mitigation Actions Checklist
Distribute this checklist of mitigation measures to clients to help them reduce the loss or damage of property due to flooding.

"Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment" Report
This colorful and informative report summarizes the many natural and technological hazards facing the United States today.

Coastal Barrier Resources System
Coastal barriers are unique landforms that provide protection for diverse aquatic habitats and serve as the mainland's first line of defense against the impacts of coastal storms and erosion.

Community Rating System
A NFIP program for recognizing and encouraging community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP standards.


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Questions About the NFIP

Answers to Other Frequently Asked Questions











 Last Updated: Monday, 25-Oct-2004 08:44:57 EDT
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Flood Hazard Mapping

Flood Hazard Mapping

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· Homeowners
· Insurance Professionals
· Lenders
· Engineers/Surveyors
· Floodplain Managers

· Map Modernization
· Cooperating Technical Partners
· Status of Map Change Requests
· Forms, Documents, and Software
· Online Tutorials
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· Other Important Info
· Mitigation

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