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OAR Recent Additions - 2003

Complete Recent Additions Listings for OAR:  Air Quality   Air Toxics  Clean Air Markets   Climate Protection   Global Warming   Mobile Sources   Indoor Air Quality   Ozone Depletion   Policy & Guidance  Radiation
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December 2003

New Standards for Highway Motorcycles Contribute to Air Quality Improvements
[December 23, 2003] EPA Administrator Mike Leavitt today signed a final rule that establishes the first new emission standards for highway motorcycles in 25 years. Highway motorcycles currently produce more harmful exhaust emissions per mile than cars or even large sport utility vehicles. When the new rule is in full effect, it will reduce emissions of hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) by about 54,000 tons a year and save approximately 12 million gallons of fuel annually by preventing it from escaping from fuel hoses and fuel tanks.
News Release | Read More

EPA signs second proposal to sharply cut power plant emissions
[December 17, 2003] EPA announced the signing of the second part of a suite of integrated air actions to significantly reduce current levels of power plant emissions. Today's proposal cuts emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). On December 15, EPA signed the first ever proposed rule to regulate mercury emissions from coal-fired utility plants.
Interstate Air Quality (SO2 & NOx) Rule | SO2 & NOx news release | Mercury information | Mercury news release

Areas with unhealthy air identified
[December 4, 2003] As part of an effort to develop a suite of clean air controls, EPA informed states and tribal nations of those areas that EPA believes should be required to reduce emissions to meet new ground-level ozone health standards.
Ozone designations | News Release

Rule to cut power plant emissions proposed
[December 4, 2003] EPA announced plans for a new Interstate Air Quality Rule that will require power plants to dramatically reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). In addition, the Agency will propose rules to reduce mercury from these plants. Projected cuts in emissions will help states meet both existing ozone and planned fine particle standards.
Interstate Air Quality | News Release

October 2003

Individuals and school districts recognized for their commitment to improving indoor air quality
[October 27, 2003] EPA's fourth annual Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools National Symposium will play host to hundreds of local school officials from across the country who have come together to discuss the basics of how to identify and resolve indoor environmental problems in schools.
News release | Read more

2004 model year fuel economy numbers now available
[October 23] Americans looking to buy a 2004 model car can choose one that gets as much as 60 miles per gallon (mpg) or one that gets only 9 mpg. To help consumers make good environmental choices when purchasing passenger vehicles, the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy have released the 29th annual Fuel Economy Guide.
News release | Fuel Economy Guide

Clean School Bus 2003 Demonstration Projects
[October 22, 2003] Seventeen demonstration projects were selected for funding under a $5 million cost-shared grant program designed to assist school districts in upgrading their bus fleets. These demonstrations will involve about 4000 buses and remove over 200,000 pounds of diesel particulate matter from the air over the next 10 years.
Read more . . .

EPA responding to DC school mercury spill
[October 7, 2003] EPA is providing technical support to the Washington, DC public schools following a spill incident at a city high school. Support includes screening students and personal effects for mercury exposure, and testing school facilities. EPA is continuing to work with the district Department of Health in dealing with the mercury contamination. Information about mercury health risks, cleanup and ridding school labs of mercury is available on EPA's Mercury Web site.

Change a Light, Change the World
[October 2, 2003] If each household in the U.S. switched the lighting in just one room to ENERGY STAR bulbs and lamps, we’d save enough energy to light more than 34 million homes and keep one trillion pounds of greenhouse gases out of our air.
Learn more . . .

SunWise School Program receives Award
[October 2, 2003] The 2003 “Excellence in Cancer Awareness” award, presented by the Congressional Families Action for Cancer Awareness, honors EPA and the SHADE Foundation for their partnership to eliminate skin cancer through the SunWise Program.
Sunwise Program . . .

September 2003

Air Quality Index now forecasting particle pollution
[September 30, 2003] In a continuing effort to protect people's health, EPA now provides daily forecasts of particle pollution in more than 100 US cities. The Air Quality Index, available on EPA's Web site and in local weather reports, has reported ozone conditions since 1998. Forecast information is provided by state and local governments.
News release
Air Quality Index

HEALTH WARNING -- emergency generators
[September 25, 2003] Hurricane area news reports tell of people dying of carbon monoxide asphyxiation caused by running unvented emergency generators in their homes. Exhaust from emergency generators must be vented outside the home if the generator cannot be located out of doors.
More Information . . .

Hurricane Isabel: Flooding can cause health problems long after waters recede
[September 22, 2003] Standing water and wet materials are a breeding ground for microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and mold. The failure to remove contaminated materials and to reduce moisture and humidity can present serious long-term health risks.
Flood cleanup fact sheet
Related hurricane recovery information

Air quality continues to improve: new report and data
[September 15, 2003] EPA's annual Air Trends Report and new acid rain data show steady and significant air quality improvement. This environmental progress comes even as the country has experienced a 164-percent increase in gross domestic product, a 42-percent increase in energy consumption and a 155-percent increase in vehicle miles traveled.

Links: News Release | 2002 Trends Report | Acid Rain | Clear Skies

Comprehensive analysis of Clear Skies data released
[September 8, 2003] Detailed analysis of the 2003 Clear Skies legislation reaffirms previous analytical results -- Clear Skies provides substantial benefits to the public at a reasonable cost.
More Information . . .

August 2003

Survey assesses science of particulate matter (PM)
[August 29, 2003] A draft Staff Paper assessing the policy implications of scientific and technical information about particulate matter, also called "PM" or "particle pollution" was issued August 29. This first draft is part of EPA's regular review of its National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter. This review is required under the Clean Air Act.
More Information . . .

Notice of denial of petition to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles
[August 28, 2003] EPA signed a notice denying a petition to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from motor vehicles. The petition was filed by the International Center for Technology Assessment and several others. EPA is advancing realistic and effective long-term approaches to investigate and address climate change. EPA has concluded that the Clean Air Act does not currently authorize the regulation of GHG.
More information . . .

EPA announces next step to improve the New Source Review program
[August 27, 2003] This final rule will provide certainty for industrial facilities, by spelling out equipment replacement activities that are exempt from NSR permitting requirements. The final rule preserves the public health protections provided by the Clean Air Act, while removing disincentives for owners and operators of power plants and manufacturing facilities to undertake activities that would improve safety, reliability and efficiency of their plants. It would not allow power plants to increase their emissions past their current Clean Air Act limits.
More on New Source Review program

New emissions standards set for toxic air pollutants
[August 26, 2003] EPA will issue a number of air toxic pollution measures known as maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards over the next several weeks. MACTs are source-specific measures to reduce the emissions of one or more of the 188 toxic air pollutants listed in the Clean Air Act.

Chlorine Production (7KB PDF)
Combustion Turbines (14KB PDF)
Iron and Steel Manufacturing (9KB PDF)
Lime Manufacturing (11KB PDF)
Metal Can Surface Coating (12KB PDF)
Mercury Cell Chlor-Alkali Plants (8KB PDF)
Miscellaneous Coating Manufacturing (8KB PDF)
Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing (9KB PDF)
Miscellaneous Metal Parts Surface Coating (9KB PDF)
Organic Liquids Distribution (Non-Gasoline) (11KB PDF)
Plastic Parts Surface Coating (9KB PDF)
Primary Magnesium (9KB PDF)
Site Remediation (8KB PDF)
Taconite Ore Processing (8KB PDF)

How safe is your air?
Air Quality forecasts and reports help people protect themselves from ground-level ozone and its associated respiratory health effects during the warmer months of the year.
View today's air quality forecast for your area
Ozone Health Information
News Release

$5 Million for Clean School Bus program
[August 15, 2003] More than 100 entities have applied for grants to help make school buses cleaner for the 24 million children who travel on a bus to and from school every day. The grants, totalling $5 million, are part of EPA's Clean School Bus USA initiative, which is designed to limit children's exposure to the harmful effects of diesel exhaust from school buses.
More on the Clean School Bus USA program

July 2003

Does the county where you live meet health standards for ozone?
[July 15, 2003] This is the deadline for states to recommend which counties meet EPA's revised ground level ozone standard. The standard seeks to protect people from exposure to lower ozone levels over longer periods of time by averaging ozone levels over an eight-hour time period.
Where you live. . .

Know someone who's gone the extra mile?
[July 28, 2003] The Clean Air Excellence Awards Program annually recognizes and honors both individuals and organizations that have undertaken the risks of innovation, served as pioneers in their fields, and have helped to improve air quality. Nominations for the 2003 awards will be accepted through September 10.
Forms and more information . . .

Portions of the December 2002 New Source Review rule to be reconsidered
[July 25, 2003] EPA will reconsider six limited parts of the New Source Review (NSR) rule finalized on December 31, 2002. That rule implemented a series of reforms to the NSR program.

June 2003

Canada and US Cooperating to reduce cross-border air pollution
[June 23, 2003] Canada and the United States will increase their cooperation to reduce cross-border air pollution by undertaking three major pilot projects that enable greater opportunities for coordinated air quality management between both countries.
News Release.

Climate Leaders Partners Achieve Progress in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
[June 11, 2003] EPA Administrator Christie Whitman praised 14 companies for their commitments to develop long-term comprehensive climate change strategies, and recognized valuable progress in voluntary industry-government partnerships. In a ceremony that took place in Washington, D.C., Whitman celebrated the progress of EPA's innovative Climate Leaders program, a key component of the Bush Administration's climate change policy.
News Release

More on the Climate Leaders program

May 2003

Fuel cell delivery vehicles to get "real world" test
[May 19, 2003] Several zero-emission package delivery vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells are being put into commercial service in Michigan in a collaboration between UPS, DaimlerChrysler and EPA. The Initiative will provide an opportunity to test state-of-the-art fuel cell vehicle technologies in real world operation.
News Release
More on Fuel Cells and Fuel Cell Vehicles

Whitman Praises Space Flight Center as First Federal Facility to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions While Producing Energy
[May 9, 2003] - EPA Administrator Christie Whitman recognized NASA as the first federal agency to use landfill gas to produce energy at one of its facilities. NASA’s decision to utilize landfill gas, a renewable energy source, will result in significant economic and environmental benefits.
Read More

EPA & NOAA Join Forces To Enhance and Extend Air Quality Forecasts
[May 9, 2003] EPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) marked World Asthma Day by announcing a partnership to jointly develop a forecasting tool which will enhance the ability to predict air quality in our communities. This tool will provide the Air Quality Index in daily weather forecasts, and will report a more accurate warning of the days in which outdoor activities could prove to be a health risk.
Read More

May is National Asthma Awareness Month
[May 9, 2003] EPA is supporting hundreds of events across the country to help Americans learn more about environmental asthma triggers and ways to prevent asthma attacks.
Read More

2003 Fuel Trends Report Available
[May 2, 2003] The 2003 Fuel Trends Report, which finds there has been a general overall declining trend in new light vehicle fuel economy since 1988, is available.

Whitman Announces New Partnership to Reduce Children's Exposure to Emissions from Diesel School Buses
Highlighting the Bush Administration's commitment to reduce environmental health risks to children, EPA Administrator Christie Whitman is announcing a new national partnership to minimize pollution from school buses. This new program, Clean School Bus USA, will work toward encouraging policies and practices to eliminate unnecessary school bus idling, to install effective emission control systems on newer buses and to replace the oldest buses in the fleet with newer ones.
News Release
Clean School Bus Web site

Administrator Whitman Asks Americans To Take the Smoke-Free Pledge
EPA Administrator Christie Whitman, together with Cleveland Mayor Jane Campbell and partner organizations, launched new national campaigns urging parents to make their homes and cars smoke-free to protect their children’s health. Every day, millions of children are exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes which leads to serious health consequences, ranging from ear infections and pneumonia to asthma.
Learn More

April 2003

Proposal Will Dramatically Cut Emissions From Agricultural, Industrial & Construction Diesels
On April 15, EPA proposed new emission standards for certain nonroad diesel engines that will reduce particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions more than 90 percent. The Agency is also proposing to reduce sulfur by more than 99 percent in the fuel these engines use. These actions will significantly improve the air quality for millions of Americans nationwide.
News Release
More Information

EPA Announces Major Clean Air Act Settlements

With Wisconsin Electric Power Company: [April 29, 2003] The Department of Justice and EPA have announced a $600 million Clean Air Act settlement with Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO), also known as We Energies. The settlement is expected to eliminate more than 105,000 tons of harmful air pollutants annually from five coal-fired electricity generating plants in Wisconsin and Michigan.
News Release ...

With Virginia Electric Power Company: [April 21, 2003] The Department of Justice and EPA announced that Virginia Electric Power Co. will spend $1.2 billion to resolve charges that the company made major modifications to eight power plants without installing equipment to control pollution that causes smog, acid rain and soot.
News Release ...

EPA Switches to Pollution-Free Wind Power for New York City Offices
[April 23, 2003] EPA's Region 2 office, located in New York City, today became the first EPA regional office in the country that will be completely powered by pollution-free wind-generated electricity. EPA will become the largest federal purchaser of clean wind energy in New York State. The wind energy will be generated at the Fenner Wind Power Project, New York State's largest wind farm. More. . .

Whitman Recognizes Organizations for Outstanding Contributions to the Environment
On April 15th, EPA Administrator Christie Whitman presented ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards to 39 businesses and organizations for their outstanding contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency. Last year alone, Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, saved enough energy to power 15 million homes and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to that of 14 million cars.
News Release
Energy Star Home Page

April is National Car Care Month
With the summer driving season just around the corner, EPA is reminding motorists that routine maintenance can save time, money, and fuel and help contribute to clean air. Owners of 1996 and newer vehicles have vehicles equipped with a sophisticated early warning system that can alert drivers to the need for repair. EPA has prepared answers to Frequently Asked Questions about On-Board Diagnostics (PDF 39K). Additional information about how regular maintenance can help keep your vehicle or light truck running smoothly is available from the Car Care Council Exit EPA disclaimer and from the following EPA fact sheets:
Tips to Save Gas and Improve Mileage (PDF 20KB)
Your Car and Clean Air: What You Can Do to Reduce Pollution (PDF 69KB)

TTN - Emission Factor and Inventory Group
The National Emission Input Format (NIF) final version 3.0 is now

TTN - National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference
In preparation for the NELAC 9 meeting June 3 - 5, 2003 in San Diego,
CA, the proposed changes to the NELAC Standards adopted during NELAC 8 have been posted for your review at
There should be no surprises based on the directions the conference has
been discussing for years and these changes should help move the program
forward toward integrating other analytes of concern. Should you have
questions or concerns prior to arriving in San Diego, please contact
Lara P. Autry, Director of NELAC/NELAP.

The following SIP submissions are now under adequacy review and are
available for public comment. You can access them via EPA's conformity
adequacy Web site at:

Region 9: San Joaquin, California ozone rate of progress (2002 and 2005)

TTN - Air Quality Postings
AQS P&A Transaction Generator Files and Guide

2003 AQS Conference Handouts

Revised EDR Versions 2.1 and 2.2
On March 21, 2003, EPA posted updated editions of its two EDR versions
and the accompanying instruction documents. Although EPA expects the
impact of these revisions to be relatively minor, the Agency is
extending the allotted time for affected sources to make any necessary
adjustments to their EDR submittals. The previously-posted date of July
30, 2003 is therefore extended to October 30, 2003. Get the revised EDR
versions 2.1 and 2.2 at:

EPA and Department of Justice Announce Major Clean Air Act Settlement with Alcoa, Inc.
Alcoa will spend an estimated $330 million to install a new coal-fired power plant with state-of-the-art pollution controls to eliminate over 90 percent of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from the company's Rockdale, Texas aluminum production facility.
News Release

Federal, Multi-state Deal Secures Significant Air Pollution Reductions from Industrial Giant Archer Daniels Midland
The Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency today announced a landmark Clean Air Act settlement with grain industry giant Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), which will cover operations at 52 plants in 16 states and cost the company an estimated $340 million. As part of the settlement, ADM will spend $6.3 million on supplemental environmental projects, much of which will be spent on retrofitting diesel engines in school buses.
News Release

AirData Reports and Maps Get Additional Pollutants, More Data
Two air pollutants, PM2.5 (particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers) and 8-hour average ozone concentrations, have been added to AirData reports and maps. In addition, five more years of data (11 years) and more descriptive information about air monitors are available. Visit the AirData Web site to learn more:

NOx SIP Call Implementation Workshops Scheduled for May 7-8 in Washington, DC
U.S. EPA's Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD), with Region 3, is holding a NOx SIP Call Implementation Workshop to provide technical assistance to states and sources in complying with the requirements of the NOx SIP Call. Mark your calendars! More information:

Conformity Update
The following SIP submissions are now under adequacy review and are available for public comment. You can access them via EPA's conformity adequacy Web site:

Region 5: Chicago, Illinois ozone attainment demonstration (MOBILE6 update to 2007 budgets)
Visit: or Contact: Angela Spickard, phone: (734) 214-4283 or e-mail:

Nonroad Diesel Engines and Fuels: 2003 Proposed Requirements for Low-Emission Nonroad Diesel Engines
EPA is proposing new emission standards for nonroad diesel engines used in construction, agriculture, and industrial operations. The Agency also is proposing a more than 99-percent reduction in the sulfur content in fuel used by these engines. The proposed emission standards would achieve a reduction in particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels of more than 90 percent. This will significantly improve the air quality for Americans nationwide.

More information:

Contact: ASD Information Line, phone: (734) 214-4636 or e-mail:

40 CFR Part 58, National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Particulate Matter; Final Rule and Proposed Rule
A copy of the "National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Particulate Matter; Final Rule" (1013 KB PDF) is posted in the PM2.5 Policy and Guidance Area. This rule reduces the PM2.5 collocation requirement from 25% to 15%.

Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program Report Now Available
A copy of the "1999/2000 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program (UATMP), EPA454/R-02-009, March 2001 (22 MB PDF) is posted in the Air Toxics area.

Economic Analysis Reports Posted
Economic Impact Analysis of the Refractory Product Manufacturing NESHAP - Final Rule is available in the Economic Analysis Reports area.

Economic Analysis for Air Pollution Regulations: Asphalt Roofing and Processing is available in the Economic Analysis Reports area.

Learn more.

Method 26 and 26A Summary Pages Now Available
The summary pages for Method 26, "Determination of Hydrogen Halide and Halogen Emissions from Stationary Sources Non-Isokinetic Method "and Method 26A, "Determination of Hydrogen Halide and Halogen Emissions from Stationary Sources Isokinetic Method" are now available. Please link to the main EMC Web site: and view the options available underneath the graphic (impinger box - 4 impingers and filter). Under "Summary Pages for Test Methods and Performance Specifications," Promulgated Methods, go to the option "Method 26 - Hydrogen Chloride, Halides, Halogens" or "Method 26A - Hydrogen Halide and Halogens," and select whichever option you'd like and then click on "Go."

"Preliminary Recommended Methodology for PM-10 and PM(10-2.5) Risk Analyses" Now Available
The "Preliminary Recommended Methodology for PM-10 and PM(10-2.5) Risk Analyses" is now available on the Particulate Matter (PM) - Documents from Current Review - Technical Documents page:

ALERT -- Modeling Guidance Update
Revisions to Appendix W of 40 CFR Part 51 (Guideline on Air Quality Models) were promulgated in the Federal Register on 4/15/03 and are available on this Web site. The Guideline was revised to adopt a preferred long-range transport model (CALPUFF) for inclusion in Appendix A, to make various editorial changes that update and reorganize information, and to remove obsolete models. See the file entitled "Appendix W" under the section Modeling Guidance on the Guidance/Support page of this Web site:

The Preamble to this regulation with the Guideline on Air Quality Models and the Summaries of Preferred Air Quality Models (Appendix A) are included in the File "Appendix W".

The Summary of Public Comments and EPA Responses relative to the revisions to Appendix W are also available on this Web site. Please see the file entitled "RESPONSE" under section Modeling Guidance on the Guidance/Support page.

The Code, User's Guide and supporting documents for CALPUFF are available under the section entitled Preferred/Recommended Models on the Dispersion Models page.

The 7th Modeling Conference and associated information on ISC-PRIME and AERMOD remain on the Web site as they will be the subject of a separate, later regulatory action.

ALERT -- An Updated Version (1.3.19) of the OBODM Model Now Available
Please go to OBODM in the Alternative Models section of the Dispersion models page of this Web site. Please note that all files except the User's Guide have been updated:

Measures For Continued Reductions In Toxic Air Emissions Enacted
EPA Administrator Christie Whitman has signed 13 final rules to reduce toxic air emissions from industrial facilities across the United States. When fully implemented, these final rules will reduce annual toxic air emissions by over 37,000 tons per year and avoid health effects including eye, lung, and skin irritation, liver, and kidney damage and cancer. The 13 standards that have been signed will also reduce over 6,000 tons of other air pollutants including: particulate matter and ozone forming volatile organic compounds. More information on the 13 standards is available at:

March 2003

United States Settles Clean Air Act Case Against Toyota
Under the settlement, covering Clean Air Act violations involving 2.2 million vehicles manufactured between 1996 and 1998, Toyota will spend $20 million to retrofit up to 3,000 public diesel fleet vehicles to make them run cleaner and extend the emission control system warranty on affected vehicles. The proposed settlement will be published in the Federal Register for 30 days for public comment, and must be approved by the Court.
Learn more.

Noise Workshop Scheduled for March 27-28
EPA will hold a workshop to collect information relevant to its anticipated action to revise the federal regulation at 40 CFR Part 211 regarding the effectiveness rating and labeling of hearing protector devices.

February 2003

Bush Administration Issues First Certification of a Fuel Cell Vehicle
EPA has announced the first certification for fuel economy and emissions of a US hydrogen fuel cell zero emission vehicle. This comes shortly after a Presidential commitment to further the progress of hydrogen fuel cells as a way to make the air significantly cleaner, and our country less dependent on foreign sources of energy. EPA is also working with DOE, the fuels industry, the auto industry and states to address the many infrastructure challenges to make hydrogen affordable and easily accessible as fuel cell vehicles of all types begin to be more broadly available.
Learn More

Measures For Continued Reductions In Toxic Air Emissions Enacted
EPA Administrator Christie Whitman has signed 13 final rules to reduce toxic air emissions from industrial facilities across the United States. When fully implemented, these final rules will reduce annual toxic air emissions by over 37,000 tons per year and avoid health effects including eye, lung, and skin irritation, liver, and kidney damage and cancer. The 13 standards that have been signed will also reduce over 6,000 tons of other air pollutants including: particulate matter and ozone forming volatile organic compounds. More information on the 13 standards is available at:

President Bush's Clear Skies Legislation Introduced
Administrator Christie Whitman applauded the Senate and House leadership for introducing the Clear Skies Act of 2003. This important initiative will improve the environment and produce significant health benefits for Americans. Clear Skies will dramatically reduce harmful emissions from power plants by 70% from current levels. For more information see the statements from President Bush Exit EPA disclaimer and EPA Administrator Christie Whitman [En Español] or visit the Clear Skies Web site.

President Bush Pushes Environmental Protection in State of the Union Address
In his State of the Union address on January 28, one of President Bush's domestic goals was promoting energy independence while improving the environment. The President asked Congress to pass the Clear Skies Initiative, which mandates a 70-percent cut in air pollution from power plants over the next 15 years. In addition, he pledged $1.2 billion in research funding for hydrogen-powered cars. Exit EPA disclaimer

Successful Implementation Plan (SIP) 2003 Conference
EPA is co-sponsoring a practical, hands-on workshop for local and state officials, chamber of commerce and business leaders, and environmental and health advocates, as well as transportation and environmental planners to learn how to apply innovative strategies and technologies to develop a successful SIP.

Learn more Exit EPA disclaimer

SmartWay Transport
SmartWay Transport is a new voluntary partnership with leading members of America's truck and rail transport sector which aims to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from ground freight carriers such as trucks and locomotives.

Read more.

January 2003

Additional Model Year 2003 Vehicles Have Been Updated to the Green Vehicle Guide
We just added a number of 2003 models to the Green Vehicle Guide. If you didn't find the 2003 model you were looking for earlier, check now.

Models Added to Green Vehicle Guide

The 12th Annual EI Conference Preliminary Program and Registration Form Are Now Available
"Emission Inventories - Applying New Technologies" will be held in San Diego, April 28 - May 1, 2003. This is the twelfth annual symposium on emission inventories and is cosponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emission Factor and Inventory Group, and the Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP).

Read more.

Multiple Selections Capability Added to AirData Report and Map Generation
Now you may choose multiple geographic areas, pollutants, and other criteria when generating most AirData reports and maps. This new capability gives you more flexibility. For example, you could produce a report for a cluster of counties surrounding a city of interest, even if the counties are in different states. A new help page explains how to select multiple geographic areas.

We eliminated the All Columns report of air monitoring data (the Monitor Values report with multiple pollutant selections provides equivalent results) and ready-to-view maps.

AirData web site

January is National Radon Month
US EPA headquarters and the National Cooperative Partners (which is
comprised of national, state and local governments, non-profit organizations and educational institutions) are committed to several National Radon Action Month (NRAM) activities again this year. The action with the
most impact is taken at the local level and begins with local affiliates making real progress toward reducing radon risks in American homes.

Find out more...

Citizen Training Workshops on New Source Review (NSR)
EPA and the Earth Day Coalition are conducting a series of free citizen training workshops to enable interested citizens to participate meaningfully in the New Source Review (NSR) permitting process, as provided for in the Clean Air Act. The training of citizens will benefit all stakeholders. Citizens can learn to use their legislatively-mandated opportunities to provide meaningful and effective input to the NSR process in their community. Permitting authorities benefit by having citizens knowledgeable about what the NSR program can accomplish for them, and about what it cannot, so participation is appropriate. Permit applicants benefit by having concerned citizens know how to participate in the process early, such that "late hits" can be minimized.

Remaining training sessions now scheduled:

Houston, TX on January 25 and 26, and Baton Rouge, LA in March or April.

Citizens interested in the free NSR training can contact:

Adam Zeller
Earth Day Coalition
3606 Bridge Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
phone: (216) 281-6468 ext. 226

Visit the Earth Day Coalition Web site: Exit EPA disclaimer .

Announcing Community Toolbox for Children's Environmental Health
Guided by a board comprised primarily of grassroots leaders, Community Toolbox supports community-based initiatives to protect children from environmental health hazards. Founded in 1997, Community Toolbox provides small grants, training, and technical assistance to build organizational capacity and sustainability. Our grantees are parent, youth and community-based organizations from low-income and communities of color that are educating and organizing their neighbors around environmental justice issues and the dangers children face from exposure to environmental health threats, such as lead poisoning, pesticides, toxic waste incinerators, dioxins and mercury.

Read the full announcement:

For more information:

Community Toolbox for Children's Environmental Health
999 Sutter Street 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94109
phone: (800) 220-7630  or
            (415) 614-9533
fax:     (415) 614-9537 Exit EPA disclaimer

San Diego SIP Submission for Conformity Under EPA Adequacy Review
The submitted San Diego ozone maintenance SIP is based on a new California on-road motor vehicle emissions model, EMFAC2002. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently submitted this new version of its vehicle emissions model to EPA and requested our approval of the model for use in SIP development in California. EPA is currently reviewing the EMFAC2002 model and will be taking an approval action on the new model, prior to our adequacy finding for this SIP submission. CARB's transmittal letter to EPA, technical information and public process for EMFAC2002 can be found at: Exit EPA disclaimer

Posted: January 14, 2003
Updated: January 15, 2003

    San Diego, California ozone maintenance plan

The SIP is available for public viewing at:
San Diego County Air Pollution Control District
9150 Chesapeake Drive
San Diego, California 92123-1096.

Contact: John Kelly
Phone: (415) 947-4151

Learn more at

Particulate Matter Monitor Collocation Requirements Fact Sheet
The Clean Air Act requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for six major pollutants harmful to public health and the environment. These pollutants are ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and lead.

EPA has published a fact sheet describing a change in the 1997 regulations for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) monitoring. The change reduces the number of locations where multiple, collocated PM2.5 monitors are required.

Read the fact sheet:

Clear Skies Initiative Announced
The proposed Clear Skies legislation would create a mandatory program that would dramatically reduce power plant emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and mercury by setting a national cap on each pollutant.

Clear Skies was proposed in response to a growing need for an emission reduction plan that will protect the environment while providing regulatory certainty in the industry. The program was submitted as proposed legislation in the US House of Representatives on July 26, 2002 and in the US Senate on July 28, 2002.

Learn more at:

Consolidated Air Training Calendar Has Been Updated
This calendar includes APTI courses and a variety of other air training events.

Learn more at:

NELAC Committee Meeting Minutes Now Available
The following meeting minutes are now available:

  1. Summary of Field Activities Committee Meeting held 10/03/02 - FA20021003.PDF (PDF 12KB)
  2. NELAC 8i - Summary of On-Site Assessment Committee held 11/19/02 - OA20021119.PDF (PDF 48KB)
  3. NELAC 8i - Summary of Membership and Outreach Committee held 11/20/02 - MO20021120.PDF (PDF 34KB)
  4. Summary of Program Policy and Structure Committee held 10/02/02 - PS20021002.PDF (PDF 30KB)
  5. Summary of Proficiency Testing Committee held 10/29/02 - PT20021029.PDF (PDF 16KB)
  6. Summary of Regulatory Coordination Committee held 11/06/02 - RC20021106.PDF (PDF 36KB)

SIP Submissions Under EPA Adequacy Review
The following SIP submissions are now under adequacy review and are available for public comment. You can access them via EPA's conformity adequacy website.

Posted: January 7, 2003
Region 4:

Contact: Angela Spickard, phone: (734) 214-4283 or email:

Learn more at:

Available for Review: EMS-HAP Model Version 2 Emission Reduction and Growth Factor Ancilliary Files
Growth factor and Emission Reduction files for use in projecting toxics inventories to future years with the EMS-HAP Ver. 2.0 are now available for review.

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Secondary Aluminum Production and Benzene Waste Operations

Date Action Category
1-2-03 Secondary Aluminum Production: Air Toxics Final Rule Amendments: Fact Sheet Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title III)
Fact Sheets
1-2-03 Secondary Aluminum Production: Air Toxics Rule: Amendments Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title III)
Proposed & Final Preambles & Rules
1-2-03 Benzene Waste Operations: Air Toxics Rule Amendments: Fact Sheet Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title III)
Fact Sheets
1-2-03 Benzene Waste Operations: Air Toxics Rule: Direct Final Amendments Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title III)
Proposed & Final Preambles & Rules

Support Center for Regulatory Air Models
A new version (01228) of ISCPRIME is now available on the 7th Modeling Conference webpage under the section entitled ISC-PRIME.  This version reflects the volume source correction made on 8/16/01 and also incorporates the corrections for low exhaust speed errors.  Please see file ISCPRMS for the updated source code and file PRMTESTS for the updated executable.

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