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SBE Science Nuggets
SBE Science Nuggets
U.S.-German team develops new technique for detecting toxicity in fuel additive MMT

SBE Science Nuggets
Geophysicists Build on Rock-Solid Successes in Central Europe

SBE Science Nuggets

Documenting Diversity on Mongolia's Lake Hovsgol
FY03 OISE Nuggets

Support of international cooperation in science and engineering is an integral part of NSF's mission. The Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) promotes and coordinates international cooperation by supporting new partnerships between U.S. scientists and engineers and their foreign colleagues, or new cooperative projects between established collaborators. Activities can be in any field of science and engineering research and education supported by NSF. Participation of students, recent Ph.D.'s, junior faculty members, women, and minority and disabled scientists and engineers is an OISE priority.

Latest News from OISE (formerly INT):

orange arrow June 2004 - See 2 new funding solicitations for 1) planning visits & workshops; and 2) developing global scientists and engineers. A Dear Colleague Letter describing OISE's new programmatic approach and support for international research and education activities is also available. Please consult these documents before submitting proposals to OISE. (These replace OISE's old program solicitation NSF 03-559.)

orange arrow Other OISE solicitations remain unchanged and in effect (Int'l Research Fellowships (NSF 02-149), East Asia & Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Grad Students (NSF 03-608), and Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes (NSF 03-506)).

orange arrow OISE in the News - links to recent news items about OISE staff & programs.

orange arrow Available online - EAP-funded US-China Cooperation Program in Science Policy, Research, and Education, hosted by Nat'l Center for Tech & Law at Geo Mason Univ.

orange arrow Available online - Directors Handbook of Best Practices for Int'l Res Exper for Undergrads.

Current OISE Funding Opportunities: list and links

Program Announcements:  
orange arrow Dear Colleague Letter - OISE Support for International Activities (NSF 04-034)  
orange arrow Int'l Research & Education: Planning Visits and Workshops (NSF 04-035)  
orange arrow Developing Global Scientists & Engineers (NSF 04-036)  
orange arrow International Research Fellowship Program (NSF 02-149)       View list of FY04 IRFP Awards  
orange arrow East Asia & Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (NSF 03-608)  
orange arrow Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program (NSF 03-506)  


Regional Programs: orange arrow Central & Eastern Europe (CEE)
orange arrow Africa, Near East & South Asia (ANESA) orange arrow East Asia & Pacific (EAP)
orange arrow Americas (AMERICAS) orange arrow Western Europe (WE)


NSF Overseas Offices:
orange arrow NSF Tokyo (covers East Asia)
  orange arrow NSF Europe
Additional Resources:  
orange arrow links to important NSF Documents  Frequently Asked Questions
 INT Staff List orange arrow List of Recent INT Awards (check Regional Pgm searches too)
orange arrow Worldwide Science Organizations orange arrow link to Fastlane

NSF 50 graphic National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd Suite 935
Arlington, VA 22230
703/292-8710 Fax: 703/292-9067

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Page updated: July 2004