Hardware and Facilities Maintenance Generic NSN's for Appliances

Most schedule items can be purchased through GSA using a National Stock Number (NSN). GSA has established an NSN for each appliance Federal Stock Class (FSC) where no valid NSN exists. The NSN's are accessible through FED LOG, and are to be used only for appliance models where no valid NSN exists.

Please submit an A0E/A05 requisition using one of the NSN's listed below and reference the valid manufacturer's model/part number in the exception field. Listed below are the NSN's and their corresponding appliances:

National Stock Numbers for Appliance Schedule Items
3510-01-471-1872 - Laundry Appliances
4110-01-471-1875 - Refrigerated Appliances
4120-01-471-1877 - Air Conditioners
7310-01-471-1878 - Cooking Appliances
7320-01-471-1879 - Dishwashers

Last Modified 8/25/2004