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To get the best possible search results, try the following tips:

  • Check spelling - Make sure your search terms are spelled correctly. The search engine will attempt to find words that sound similar your search terms, but it is always best to spell the search terms correctly.
  • Use multiple words - Use multiple words when performing your search. More words for a search will return more refined results than a search from a single word.
  • Use similar words - The more similar words you use in a search, the more relevant results will be to the words that you are searching for.
  • Use appropriate capitalization - Use capitalization when looking for proper nouns such as the name of a person or place. Lowercase words will match any words of any case.
  • Use field searches - Field searches allow you to search for words that appear in a specific part of a document such as the body text (body:), title text (title:), alt text (alt:), meta description (desc:), meta keywords (keys:) or URL (url:). The field name should include the colon and precede the search word or phrase with no spaces between them. For example, searching for title:presidents will find pages with presidents in the title of the page.

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