The project is proposed by a partnership, which includes three institutes of higher education, the Vermont State Department of Education, the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI), the Vermont Institute for Science, Mathematics, and Technology (VISMT) and 4 school districts.
The project is building upon the VMI Exemplary Teacher Model, a leadership model in K-6 mathematics by expanding the effort to include middle and high school mathematics, whole school systems and preservice education. To enhance student achievement the partnership five major goals are.
1. To prepare teachers and preservice students who deeply understand mathematics and can translate their knowledge into student learning.
2. To develop school support systems that are rich learning opportunities for both students and teachers.
3. To utilize valid reliable ongoing assessments and feedback systems to continuously improve mathematic results for all students.
4. To develop a preservice and inservice curriculum that deepens teacher's knowledge and understanding of mathematics, equity strategies to assure no child is left behind and leadership strategies that enable scale up of the Partnership's initiatives throughout Vermont and beyond.
5. To foster collaborative research involving mathematicians, mathematics education faculty and preK-12 educators contributing to the state and national research base in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
The partnership is seeking success in all schools, for all teachers and all students.