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Youth Resource Connections

Published monthly by the

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Youth Services

200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210 (202) 693-3030, http://www.doleta.gov/youth_services/








Volume 4, Number 14


September 30, 2004




The Department of Labor (DOL) Releases Report on the State of the American Workforce.  DOL has announced the release of a new report, entitled America’s Dynamic Workforce, which surveys the state of America’s workforce, the changing nature of the workforce and the new opportunities that are developing in the 21st century.  The report highlights ways to improve the nation’s job training programs to help more workers.  To access the report visit: http://www.dol.gov.


The Women’s Bureau at the Department of Labor (DOL) Releases Manual for Science and Technology Mentoring.  The DOL Women’s Bureau recently released a “How

To” manual providing information on its GEM-SET program, which provides young women all across the nation with a variety of mentors and resources in the fields of science, engineering and technology.  GEM-SET gives guidance to young women ages 13-18 interested in these fields.  To access the manual visit: http://www.dol.gov/wb.


The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Awards Funds for Training Materials to Educate Hispanics in Construction Trades and Other Industries.  OSHA has awarded more than $10.5 million in Susan Harwood Training Grants to 69 nonprofit organizations for safety and health training and educational programs.  The grants support the development of training materials and the provision of safety programs to educate Hispanic and other non-English speaking workers and employers in small businesses and workers who are employed in high hazard industries and industries with high fatality rates. 

For more information visit: http://www.osha.gov.


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Launches Website As Part of the Outreach Campaign for Preventing Discrimination Against Teen-age Workers.  EEOC has initiated an effort entitled “Youth@Work” to increase the public awareness about federal anti-discrimination laws as they relate to teens in the workplace. The website affiliated with this initiative is available at http://youth.eeoc.gov and it contains information which explains the different types of job discrimination that young workers may encounter and suggests strategies they can use to prevent, and if necessary, respond to such discrimination.  An interactive tool that tests the users understanding of bias laws by analyzing sample job discrimination scenarios and highlights recent cases brought by teen workers is included.


The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD) Publishes a New Assessment Tool.  NCWD has produced a Career Planning Assessment guide entitled “A Guide for Professionals Serving Youth with Educational and Career Development Challenges.”  The Guide includes information on selecting career-related assessments, determining when to refer youth for additional assessment, accommodations, and legal and ethical issues in testing. The Guide was developed because adolescents and young adults need guidance and encouragement from caring, supportive adults to successfully transition from school to adult life and the world of work.   To access the guide visit: http://www.ncwd-youth.info/resources_&_Publications/assessment.html.



Funding Opportunities


Corporation for National and Community Service Office Offers Funds for Martin Luther King Day Projects.  The Corporation for National and Community Service Project is making available approximately $600,000 to organizations that commemorate the 2005 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday with volunteer service projects.  Faith-based and secular community organizations, volunteer centers, Indian tribal organizations, state commissions on service, and state and local government agencies are eligible to apply.  The grant requires a match of at least 70 percent of the cost of the project, which can include cash and in-kind contributions.  For more information visit: http://mlkday.org/fy05_nofa.html.  Deadline: October 12.


Wachovia Foundation Offers Community Needs Grants.  Wachovia Foundation is accepting applications from nonprofit organizations to address the needs of communities in four primary areas: education, community development, health/human services, the arts, and culture. 

Organizations with 501(c)(3) providing services in the geographic areas served by Wachovia are eligible to apply.  For further information visit: http://www.channing-bete.com/fundinginformation/opportunities/wachovia.html.  Deadline: Ongoing.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Seeks Grant Proposals to Promote Environmental Education.  The EPA is soliciting grant proposals from education institutions, environmental and educational public agencies, and non profit 501(c)(3) organizations to support education projects that promote environmental stewardship.  For more information visit: http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/grants_apply.html.  Deadline:  November 15.   


Foundation for Child Development Accepts Applications for Young Scholars Program.  The Foundation for Child Development offers fellowships.  The fellowships support young scholars with their research in identifying and understanding the challenges faced by immigrant children and their families.  Applicants must hold a PhD or its equivalent in one of the behavioral and social sciences or in an allied professional field.  Three to four fellowships up to $150,000 for use over one to three years will be awarded.  For additional information visit: http://www.fcd-us.org/ourwork/y-index.html.  Deadline: November 1.


The Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Announces the Availability of Demonstration Grant Funds.  ETA will make available approximately $10 million in demonstration grant funds to address labor shortages, innovative training strategies, and other workforce challenges in the Healthcare and Biotechnology industries as identified through the President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative.  For more information visit: http://www.doleta.gov.  Deadline: November 2.



Opportunities for Youth, Young Adults, and Teachers

Veterans of Foreign Wars Announces The Voice of Democracy Essay Scholarship Program.  The Veterans of Foreign Wars has announced the Voice of Democracy audio-essay contest for high school students in grades 9-12.  The contest will provide an opportunity for students to voice their opinion about their personal obligations as an American and address their responsibility to the United States.  Entrants are required to write and record a three to five minute essay on a patriotic theme.  The first place national winner will receive a $25,000 scholarship.  To learn more about this scholarship visit: http://www.vfw.org/index.cfm?fa=cmty.leveld&did=150.  Deadline: November 1.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund Accepts Applications for College Scholarship Program.  The College Scholarship Program is available to undergraduate and graduate students of Hispanic heritage.  Awards range from $1,000 to $2,500.  Eligible applicants must be: a U.S. Citizen or legal permanent resident; an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full-time in a degree seeking program at an accredited U.S. college or university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands; have earned at least 12 undergraduate units; have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0; and have applied for federal financial aid.  For more information visit: http://www.hsf.net.  Deadline: October 15.

Sprint Announces New Grant Program for Kansas City Educators.  The Sprint Achievement Program (SAP) will provide support for Greater Kansas City area elementary and secondary educators.  The goal of the SAP is to enhance student learning by providing grants and other resources that promote student achievement, family engagement, and educator development. A limited number of grants ranging from $500 to $5,000 are awarded twice a year.  Applicants may apply individually or as a group collaborating on a single initiative.  Applicants applying for spring session must do so by October 1-31.  For more information and application procedures visit:  http://www.sprint.com/community/education/achievement.html.  Deadline: October 31.

Nominations of Chicago-Teachers Invited for Golden Apple Awards. The Golden Apple Foundation seeks to advance the teaching profession in Illinois through a number of programs, including the Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching program.  Nominees must be full-time classroom teachers currently teaching in grades four through eight at a public or non-public school located in Cook, Lake, or DuPage counties.  Ten award winners will receive a paid sabbatical to study tuition free at Northwestern University.  For additional information visit: http://www.goldenapple.org/awards.htm.  Deadline: December 1.

Teagle Foundation Invites Proposals for New York City College Preparation Programs.  The Teagle Foundation invites proposals for the support of programs designed to increase the likelihood that disadvantaged young people from the metropolitan area will attend and graduate from college.  The foundation plans to award six grants up to $50,000.  Applicants must be tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organizations.  The applicant organization should be based and the program located in one or more of the five boroughs of New York City.  For more information visit: http://www.fdncenter.org/grantmaker/teagle/news.html.  Deadline: November 30.

Make a Difference Day Event – Offers Opportunities for Community Service Learning Projects.  Make a Difference Day created by USA WEEKEND Magazine is recognized as a national day of helping -- a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors.  The event will take place Saturday, October 23 and anyone is eligible to participate.  Ten Outstanding Make A Difference Day projects will receive $10,000 from Paul Newman and will be honored with charitable donations and accolades in USA WEEKEND Magazine during National Volunteer Week in April 2005.  To be considered for honors, applicants must fill out an entry form completing Make A Difference Day projects.  For more information and to download an application visit: http://www.makeadifferenceday.com.  Application Deadline: November 16.




Building Bridges: From Conviction to Employment published by the Council of State Governments, explains ways to reinvest funds for corrections services to provide employment services to ex-offenders.  For more information visit: http://www.cga.state.ct.us/hdo/094/report-2-28.pdf.


Understanding Employment: A Prospective Exploration of Factors Linked to Community-Based Employment among Federal Offenders.  This article examines employment outcomes for ex-offenders during their first six months of release, and evaluates the implications for developing and enhancing employment interventions for offenders. For more information visit: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/pblct/forum/v14n1/v14n1a1e.pdf.


Alive at 25: Reducing Youth Violence through Monitoring and Support.  This report, published by Public/Private Ventures, explains a project developed by several Philadelphia agencies and organizations to reduce violence and increase performance outcomes for the high-risk youth population. For more information visit: http://www.ppv.org/.


National Training Curriculum for Educators of Youth in Confinement. This training curriculum is designed to assist and train teachers involved with educational programs in juvenile detention and corrections facilities. The 40-hour curriculum includes modules on current trends in the juvenile justice system, institutional culture, student assessment, teaching and learning styles, behavior management, and transition of youth back into their communities. To order, contact: National Juvenile Detention Association Center for Research and Professional Development, MSU Suite 350, 1407 South Harrison, East Lansing, MI 48823; call (517) 432-1242; or email: njda@ssc.msu.edu.





Distance Education Clearinghouse website provides distance education information from Wisconsin, national and international sources.  For more information visit: http://www.uwex.edu/disted/home.html.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities maintains website contains a series resource pages on topics of high interest and concern to the well-being of children with disabilities.  To view the various topics visit: http://www.nichcy.org/resources/ld1.asp

School Grants! website provides grant information for PK-12 educators which include online tips, and a listing of a variety of opportunities available to public and private non profit elementary and secondary schools and districts across the United States.  For more information visit: http://www.schoolgrants.org/.


SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. is a private, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation established in 1964 as a project to address employment and economic concerns and inequities among Hispanics in America.  In 2003, SER National was awarded a grant for $320,000 from Work Source of Dallas County to provide pre-apprenticeship construction training program for youth offenders.  For more information visit: http://ser.masterlink.com/.


The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides resources about mentoring.  Mentoring programs are highly-effective for serving youth offenders and court-involved youth.  For more information visit: http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/mentoring/resources.html.



Calendar of Events

October 4-8.  Tulsa, OK.  National Resource Center for Youth Services.  Managing Aggressive Behavior, Trainer Certification.  For more information contact: (918) 660-3707, http://www.nrcys.ou.edu.

October 8-9.  Atlanta, GA.  Gill Foundation. Nonprofit Navigation. For more information contact: (303) 292-4455, or visit: shaneh@gillfoundation.org.

October 10-12.  Allentown, PA.  justCommunity, Inc. 2004 Youth Development Conference: Unleashing the Power of Youth and Community Potential.  For more information contact: (215) 538-4796 or visit: http://www.justcommunity.com/.

October 14.  Washington, DC.  After School Alliance.  Lights On After School! 2004.  For more information visit: http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/.

October 14-15. Washington, DC.  National Alliance to End Homelessness.  National Conference on Ending Family Homelessness.  For more information contact: (202) 638-4664 or visit: http://www.naeh.org/.

October 15 -17. Detroit, MI. Ministry in Motion: A National Prison Aftercare Conference.  For more information. For more information visit: http://www.topinc.net/.


October 16.  Silver Spring, MD.  Special Needs Special Kids. First Annual Conference.  For more information contact (202) 363-1065, or visit: http://www.specialneedsspecialkids.com/.

October 16-19.  St. Paul, MN.  “Moving Every Child Ahead.”  National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth 2004 Conference.  For more information visit: http://www.naehcy.org/2004registration.html.

October 17-20.  Grand Rapids, MI.  National Partnership for Juvenile Services.  Representing America’s Youth: Effective Staff and Programs.  For more information contact: (859) 622-6259, or visit: http://www.njda.com/. 

October 25-26.  New York, NY.  Youth Advocacy Center.  Socrates in Foster Care: Empowering Teens to Take Control of Their Future, for professionals working with teens in and at-risk of foster care ages 16-21.  For more information visit: http://www.youthadvocacycenter.org/Training.htm.

November 1-4.  Tulsa, OK.  National Resource Center for Youth Services Behavior Crisis Management Training Trainer Certification.  For more information contact: (800) 274-2687 or visit: http://www.nrcys.ou.edu/.


November 3-5.  Harrisburg, PA.  Center for Juvenile Justice Training and Research.   Pennsylvania Conference on Juvenile Justice.  For more information contact: (717) 477-1188 or e-mail: mmccalpin@state.pa.us.


November 11.  Location - TBA.  Youth Service America.  The Working Group on National and Community Service: “What Are the Effective Practices Youth Voice Around the World”.  For more information contact (202) 296-2992 or visit: http://www.ysa.org/.


November 17-19.  Los Angeles, CA.  Youth Build.  Program Conditions for a Transformational Youth Program: Strategies for High Attendance and Retention.  For more information contact:  (617) 741-1256 or visit: http://www.youthbuild.org/academy/.


November 18-20.  Tempe, AZ.  Teacher Educators for Children with Behavior Disorders (TECBD) 28th National Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children & Youth.  For more information contact Helen Griller at (480) 998-2817 or visit: http://www.tecbd.org/.


November 20.  National Family Volunteer Day.  For more information contact: (202) 789-2000 or visit: http://www.pointsoflight.org/programs/seasons/nfvd/.

Youth Resource Connections.  The Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA) does not take responsibility for non endorsed DOL/ETA resources.


We welcome your input.  Please let us know how these updates might be improved to better serve your needs.  If you have comments contact the: Office of Youth Services at (202) 693-3037 or e-mail youth.services@dol.gov .


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