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Global Issues
Astronomers Identify Surviving Star of 1572 Supernova
An international team of astronomers has identified the probable surviving companion star to a supernova explosion witnessed in 1572 by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe and other astronomers of the era.The discovery, announced October 27 in a press...
Dolphin, Humans Share Similar Brain Size, Scientists Say
Scientists have determined how brain size has changed in dolphins and their relatives over 47 million years and have found that human and dolphin brain size is similar, according to an October 27 National Science Foundation (NSF) press...
International Spacecraft Peeks Below Cloud Shroud Around Titan
Scientists are getting their best view ever of Saturn\'s largest moon, Titan, from early analysis of images and other data captured during the October 27 close flyby of the Cassini spacecraft, according to a NASA press release.The data reveal greater...
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