Large-scale improvement in science and mathematics education require a shared vision and commitment to action of an array of stakeholders who have limited understanding of what is needed and lack a forum for effective communication. We will bring together key groups in a statewide Summit to create this shared vision and commitment and to develop specific, achievable policy and legislative outcomes to be pursued for at least three years. Legislators, the Governor's office, Florida Department of Education Officials, Business and Industry representatives, and Science and Mathematics educators at all levels will convene in a one-and-a-half day meeting to establish a common understanding of the need for science and mathematics literacy in our workforce, the challenges of today's schools, effective methods of science and mathematics instructions, the nature and dimensions of creating change in mathematics and science instruction, and action plans necessary to achieve them.
The Summit will be preceded by two planning sessions of STEM education leaders in the state to identify priority actions, and to develop brief White Papers for distribution to policy-makers. The Summit will result in written action plans that will constitute drafts of bills and Florida Department of Education policy statements. Together these will improve the environment for science and mathematics learning in Florida's schools. A follow-up component assures that these recommendations are kept under active consideration, if necessary, for three years and thus three full legislative cycles.