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Westfield River
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Westfield RiverNational Park Service
15 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Designated Reach: November 2, 1993. The designated segments include: the West Branch from a railway bridge 2000 feet downstream of the Becket Town Center to the Huntington/Chester town line; the Middle Branch from the Peru/Worthington town line downstream to the confluence with Kinne Brook in Chester; Gendale Brook; the East Branch from the Windsor/Cummington town line to the Knightville Reservoir.

Classification/Mileage: Scenic -- 18.9 miles; Recreational -- 24.4 miles; Total -- 43.3 miles.

The Westfield is a state and locally managed river featuring native trout fishing and rugged mountain scenery in the context of a historical mill town settlement. The river provides over 50 miles of the Northeast's finest whitewater canoeing and kayaking. The river corridor also contains one of the largest roadless wilderness areas remaining in the state and is home to several endangered species.

Findings (477 KB PDF) on the state of Massachusetts application to expand the Westfield River designation & a Summary Chart (228 KB PDF).

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  • Last Updated:Wednesday, 05-May-04 15:20:41