Measuring Patient's Hospital Care Experiences: Development of a National Standard

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is beginning a process, under its CAHPS® II initiative, to develop a national standard for assessing hospital patient experiences. This process will result in a survey instrument and methodology designed to measure and publicly report patient experiences with hospital care.


AHRQ has been the Nation's leader in establishing standards for measuring experiences with the U.S. health care system. The development of the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans (CAHPS®) was and continues to be ground-breaking work that provides the foundation for similar initiatives. To date, CAHPS® has not addressed hospital patient experiences.

Leaders from across the U.S. health care industry have called for a response to the need to assess the experiences of hospital patients.

The Director of AHRQ and the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have established a priority to develop a standard for measuring and publicly reporting hospital patient experiences. CMS and AHRQ have embraced a goal of developing the standard and releasing quality data on hospitals within the next year.

Path Forward

In response to this overwhelming need, AHRQ has, through a collaborative process with CMS and other Federal agencies and interested groups, begun the process for developing a national standard.

During the next year, AHRQ will undertake a plan to develop the national standard and place the standard within the public domain.

AHRQ's path forward includes the following steps:

Further Information

Questions regarding this CAHPS® initiative should be directed to Charles Darby at or by phone at (30l) 427-1324.

Additional Resource: Exploring a National Standard for Measuring Patients' Hospital Care Experiences: Meeting Summary, May 9, 2002.

Current as of June 2002

Internet Citation:

Measuring Patient's Hospital Care Experiences: Development of a National Standard. June 2002. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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