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Award ID : 0314557
Title : Puerto Rico Math and Science Partnership
Type : Award
Date : Sep 23 2003
File : a0314557
Award Number : 0314557
Award Instr. : Cooperative Agreement
Prgm Manager : Joan Prival
Start Date : Sep 1 2003
Expires : Aug 31 2008 (Estimated)
Total Amt. : $34,999,846.00 (Estimated)
Investigator : Josefina Arce Department of Chemistry
Keith Wayland
Moises Orengo
Edwin Vazquez
Ana del Llano
Sponsor : University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
Office of External Resources
PO Box 21489, San Juan , PR009311489
Abstract :
The Puerto Rico Math and Science Partnership (PR-MSP) involves four universities 
within the Puerto Rico System (The University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras,
Mayaguez, Cayey and Humacao campuses) in partnership with the Puerto Rico
Department of Education and supporting institutions that include the other
seven campuses of the UPR system, the Inter American University of Puerto
Rico System, and the Arecibo Observatory as well as informal science
education centers and industry partners. The Partnership's activities
center on four goals: 1. Empowering schools through challenging K-12
Math and Science curriculum and professional development 2. Increasing
K-12 mathematics and science teacher quality through the preparation of
future teachers and certified teachers 3. Strengthening the mathematics
and science knowledge base through educational research, assessment, and
evaluation 4. Creating sustainable K-20 partnerships Over 300 mathematics
and science faculty and scientists from university partners and supporting
organizations, forming four regional supporting teams, are working directly
with K-12 Mathematics and science teachers and school and district personnel
to provide professional development supporting the implementation and
evaluation of challenging research-based curriculum and assessment to
optimize math and science education for 305,000 students in 584 K-12
schools across the Island. The provision of new professional development
and credentialing opportunities for mathematics and science teachers is
impacting over 5,000 in-service teachers. The partnership is establishing
30 school-based Math and Science Resource Centers and a Math and Science
Education Website to disseminate the challenging curricular and educational
improvements among all schools in Puerto Rico. School Learning Communities
and Mathematics and Science Leading Teachers at each school are working
with science and mathematics faculty from the partnering institutions
and industry to implement the curricular enhancement activities. Teams
of teachers, faculty, and researchers are designing curricular activities
that incorporate field trips using the local context as science laboratory,
and engage students as active learners, enhancing their motivation and
preparation for M&S; advanced courses and research opportunities. Core
partner universities are engaged in reform of teacher preparation programs
reaching over 3,000 future K-12 teachers to ensure they are highly qualified
to implement and sustain the PR-MSP educational improvements. Preservice
students participate in structured scientific research experiences in
collaboration with the supporting partners including the Arecibo Observatory,
the U.S. Forest Service Institute of Tropical Forestry, and industry labs.
Teams of teachers and faculty are conducting action research on student
learning to provide evidence on the effectiveness of their innovations
in the classroom. The impact of the PR-MSP on student achievement is measured
through standardized tests based on TIMSS and NAEP assessments.