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Award ID : 0314898
Title : Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership: Sharing in Leadership for Student Success
Type : Award
Date : Sep 22 2003
File : a0314898
Award Number : 0314898
Award Instr. : Cooperative Agreement
Prgm Manager : Elizabeth VanderPutten
Start Date : Sep 1 2003
Expires : Aug 31 2008 (Estimated)
Total Amt. : $19,977,173.00 (Estimated)
Investigator : DeAnn Huinker Center Math/Science Education Research
Kevin McLeod
Kimberly Farley
Eugene Humphrey
Henry Kranendonk
Sponsor : University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P O BOX 340
Milwaukee , WI532010340
Abstract :
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Public Schools, and 
the Milwaukee Area Technical College comprise the Milwaukee Mathematics
Partnership. As a member of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy, a community-wide
collaborative PK-16 effort among school, university, union, government,
business, and community organizations, the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership
seeks to substantially improve mathematics achievement for the 100,000
K-12 Milwaukee Public Schools students. The Partnership involves mathematics
faculty and mathematics educators in collaboration with PK-12 educators
in strengthening district curricula, student assessment measures, and
re-designing pre-service and in-service teacher preparation focused on
the needs of an urban district. Through this Partnership, the Institutions
of Higher Education Mathematics Network, consisting of 2- and 4-year colleges
and universities, will be established to focus on the mathematical preparation
and continued growth of PK-12 teachers and to improve the transition of
students to post secondary education. The Partnership embraces four
major goals in order to improve student achievement: Comprehensive Mathematics
Framework: Implement and utilize the Comprehensive Mathematics Framework
to lead a collective vision of deep learning and quality teaching of challenging
mathematics across the Milwaukee Partnership. Strategies include PK-12
student Learning Targets and Model Performance Assessments, alignment
of high school coursework with college expectations, and increased enrollment
and success in challenging mathematics courses, including Advanced Placement
and International Baccalaureate mathematics courses. Distributed Leadership:
Institute a distributed mathematics leadership model that engages all
partners and is centered on school-based professional learning communities.
Strategies include Math Teacher Leaders, school-based Learning Team, Principal
Mathematics Leadership endeavor, and district mathematics leadership;
Teacher Learning Continuum: Build and sustain the capacity of teachers,
from initial preparation through induction and professional growth, to
understand mathematics deeply and use that knowledge to improve student
learning. Strategies include the IHE Mathematics Network; Design Teams
focused on core mathematical preparation for all PK-8 teachers, an elementary
mathematics minor, and a secondary mathematics capstone course; teachers
on special assignment as Teachers-In-Residence at the university; teacher
recruitment; content-focused induction; and school-based professional
learning communities. Student Learning Continuum: Ensure all students,
PK-16, have access to, are prepared and supported for, and succeed in
challenging mathematics. Strategies include School Educational Plans,
mathematics alignment for the Tutoring and Family Literacy Initiative,
and Transitioning to College Mathematics effort. Ultimately, the Partnership
will collect evidence of what is working, why, where, and for whom related
to three major domains: Student Learning, Teacher Learning, and Collective
Vision and Leadership for Mathematics. This includes measures of the degree
to which a true effective partnership was established and identification
of the defining attributes of such a partnership.