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Following are publications issued under the auspices of the FRTR. Other publications related to topics of interest to FRTR are cited, as appropriate in other sections of this web site.

Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Abstracts for each FRTR remediation case study report on full-scale site cleanups and large-scale demonstration projects are available in a set of volumes. The abstracts (1-2 pages) summarizes the information available for all the case studies published. The reports document performance results, cost data, and lessons learned on technology applications.

Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 8, June 2004 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 19 FRTR remediation case studies. Seven projects address cleanup of soil and groundwater using in situ bioremediation technologies, 4 case studies focus on soil vapor extraction for treatment of halogenated volatile compounds, and 3 reports cover in situ soil and groundwater treatment using chemical oxidation/reduction technologies.
Order: EPA 542-R-04-012
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Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 7, July 2003 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 29 FRTR remediation case studies. Twelve projects addressing cleanup of halogenated volatile compounds in groundwater using aggressive abiotic in situ technologies such as thermal treatment, chemical oxidation, and air sparging and 16 case studies focusing on in situ or ex situ soil treatment, including 4 projects covering cleanup of soil at dry cleaner sites.
Order: EPA 542-R-03-011
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Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 6, June 2002 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 39 FRTR remediation case studies. Twenty-two projects addressing cleanup of contaminated groundwater using in situ technologies and 7 case studies on cleanup of perchloroethylene (PCE) at drycleaner sites are areas of emphasis for this update of cost and performance reporting.
Order: EPA 542-R-02-006
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Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 5, May 2001 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 56 FRTR remediation case studies. Treatment of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in groundwater and drinking water and optimization of groundwater cleanup systems are areas of emphasis for this update of cost and performance reporting.
Order: EPA-542-R-01-008
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Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 4, June 2000 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 78 FRTR remediation case studies. Bioremediation of chlorinated solvents and dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) treatment are areas of emphasis for this update of cost and performance reporting.
Order: EPA 542-R-00-006
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Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 3, September 1998 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 86 FRTR remediation case studies. Groundwater pump and treat, incineration, and permeable reactive barriers are areas of emphasis for this update of cost and performance reporting.
Order: EPA 542-R-98-010
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Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 2, July 1997 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 17 FRTR remediation case studies. Bioremediation, vitrification, and other in situ soil treatment technologies are areas of emphasis for this update of cost and performance reporting.
Order: EPA 542-R-97-010
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Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 1, March 1995 – This report is a collection of abstracts on 37 FRTR remediation case studies. Thermal desorption, soil vapor extraction, and land treatment are areas of emphasis for this volume.
Order: EPA 542-R-95-001
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Cost & Performance Remediation Case Studies and Related Information, Fifth Edition, June 2004 – The remediation case study reports and technology assessments provide site-specific cost and performance information about actual technology applications at hazardous waste sites based on data provided by federal and state agencies. This CD-ROM contains 361 cost and performance case study reports describing the use of remediation technologies; 144 reports describing the use of site characterization and monitoring technologies; 73 case studies describing long-term monitoring/optimization of remediation technologies; and 54 reports describing the assessments of remediation technologies at hazardous waste sites.
Order: EPA 542-C-04-004
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Evaluation of Permeable Reactive Barrier Performance – This report on the performance of permeable reactive barriers (PRB) for groundwater remediation was prepared under the auspices of the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable and focuses on summarizes the conclusions and recommendations from individual studies conducted at different sites by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as the Interstate Technologies and Regulatory Council (ITRC).
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Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable: Creating Tools for the Hazardous Waste Cleanup Community, December 2001 – An overview of a variety of technology transfer tools and other information resources developed by the Roundtable to address national technology development priorities and problems that require special attention (e.g., groundwater contamination, expedited site characterization) and coordinated national action.
Order: EPA 542-R-01-012
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Field Sampling and Analysis Technologies Matrix and Reference Guide, First Edition, March 1998 – A screening tool that helps users identify innovative, commercially available site characterization and monitoring technologies and technologies and methods that optimize sampling locations and minimize well installation.
Order: EPA 542-B-98-002
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Geophysical Techniques to Locate DNAPLs: Profiles of Federally Funded Projects, December 1998 – Profiles noninvasive geophysical techniques used at Federally funded projects to locate dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in the subsurface.
Order: EPA 542-R-98-020 (NTIS Order Number: PB99-156804)
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Guide to Documenting and Managing Cost and Performance Information for Remediation Projects, Revised Version, October 1998 – The Guide provides recommended procedures for documenting the results of completed and on-going full- and demonstration-scale remediation projects. The document describes a standard set of parameters and terminology for reporting matrix characteristic information and technology operation, cost, and performance data for 29 remedial technologies.
Order: EPA 542-B-98-007 (NTIS Order Number: PB99-130445)
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Remediation Case Studies and Technology Assessments, June 2004 – This fact sheet provides information on the remediation case studies and general technology assessment reports produced by the Federal Remediation Technology Roundtable.
Order: EPA 542-F-04-016
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Remediation Technology Assessment Reports: A Technology Selection and Design Resource, September 2003 – This fact sheet provides information on the Federal Remediation Technology Roundtable's website that provides a compilation of multi-site remediation technology assessment reports. The technology assessment reports contain information about the application at numerous cleanup sites of a specific technology, such as bioremediation, or about a contaminant, such as arsenic, and provide summary findings based on practical field experience.
Order: EPA 542-F-03-014
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Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, 4th Edition, April 2002 – A user-friendly tool to screen for technologies for a remediation project. The matrix allows you to screen through 64 in situ and ex situ technologies for either soil or groundwater remediation. Variables used in screening include contaminants, development status, overall cost, and cleanup time. In-depth information on each technology is also available, including direct links to the database of cost and performance reports written by FRTR members.
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Subsurface Remediation: Improving Long-Term Monitoring and Remedial Systems Performance Conference Proceedings, April 2000 – This document summarizes the presentations and workshops of a conference on improving long-term monitoring (LTM) and remedial systems performance that was held in St. Louis, Missouri between June 8-11, 1999. The conference was sponsored and developed by the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable. The conference was designed to provide up-to-date information on LTM and systems optimization through presentations and topical workshops.
Order: EPA 542-B-00-002
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Site Remediation Technology InfoBase: A Guide to Federal Programs, Information Resources, and Publications on Contaminated Site Cleanup Technologies, Second Edition, June 2000 – Identifies programs, resources, and publications on contaminated site cleanup technologies within the Federal Government.
Order: EPA 542-B-00-005 (NTIS Order Number: PB2001-105790)
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