Week of September 6, 2004


It’s hard to believe three years have passed since the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. We will all remember where we were that morning. Whether you were near ground zero or in Castroville, Texas we all had the same fears racing through our heads. 

What was happening? Who was behind it? Would my city be next? We prayed together, we stood together side by side, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans ready to do what was necessary to get through this crisis.

People across the country asked what they could to do help. Phone calls poured into New York, Washington and Pennsylvania with offers to help and send money. America was facing it’s ultimate modern day challenge and meeting it.

In the following days, we committed ourselves to doing whatever it took to respond. The President focused like a laser beam on the effort to eliminate those on the other side of the world who were responsible.

This tragedy showed our nation how strong we are. Our nation’s leaders told us to go on with our lives and we did. We resumed our regular schedules as best we could... tending to our children, shopping, going to football games ... and becoming reacquainted with our friends and family to once again understand what’s really important.

Here in Washington there are many of us who remain focused on the fundamentals that preserve our way of life. Strengthening our military, our intelligence operations our federal agencies that watch our ports of entry for killers trying to enter our country. 

In the days since September 11, 2001 we have created a Department of Homeland Security to ensure that all of our agencies ... the FBI, Customs, the Border Patrol, the DEA ... operate in synch.

This year alone we funded billions of dollars to strengthen our homeland. This funding will assist firefighters, emergency management and law enforcement officials. It will also implement passenger and baggage screening, highway and air security, and training, as well as modernizing our nation’s borders.

Our nation has made great strides since September 11, 2001. On this important date, I encourage everyone to remember the past so as to make us stronger in the future. We will never forget September 11. Today we should feel proud that this generation, like those past, is every bit as committed to doing whatever it takes to preserve freedom, justice and the American Way.