Week of September 27, 2004


The Pledge of Allegiance is a deep-rooted symbol of America -- every American knows that. But if some federal judges have their way, our children will be barred from saying the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools. 

We cannot sit idly by as the courts try to rewrite our heritage and traditions. That's why I recently co-sponsored legislation to protect our Pledge of Allegiance. 

The Pledge Protection Act stipulates that states— not activist judges—have the right to determine whether or not the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is constitutional. The measure would put an end to the practice of federal judges essentially deciding to strip our pledge of its historically important reverence for God.

Passage of the plan is an important step toward safeguarding the free-exercise rights, guaranteed by the First Amendment. It is also an effective check on the power of the court when it abuses its power of judicial review.

I'm pleased to report that the Pledge Protection Act was brought before Congress this week and approved by the House of Representatives. 

Freedom of religion is a principle that is central to our Nation's Declaration of Independence. Congress has taken this positive step to protect our freedom to express allegiance to America's flag and the ideals it represents.

I can’t think of a better way to educate our children about America than with the Pledge of Allegiance. It teaches the ideals that our flag represents, and about the lives dedicated - and sometimes lost - to protect those ideals.