September 27, 2004


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Henry Bonilla is using his role on the Appropriations Committee to help his constituents back home. 

Bonilla announced more than $450,000 in funding this week to improve Presidio and Val Verde County colonias. A grant provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will be used to purchase a well site, drill a new well and install a pump. These funds were made available through the USDA Office of Rural Development and will also be used to install a chlorination system and pressure tank, build a boundary fence and install distribution lines.

“Water is not a luxury, it is an essential part of life. This grant will do more than improve the water supply – it will provide the residents of Presidio’s colonias with the clean, properly treated water that they require,” said Bonilla.

USDA’s Office of Rural Development is committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural America. Rural Development achieves its mission by helping rural individuals, communities and businesses obtain the financial and technical assistance needed to address their diverse and unique needs. Rural Development works to make sure that rural citizens can participate fully in the global economy.

“All too often, many take for granted the amenities and comforts that most enjoy in our great nation. But we cannot forget the lack of these basic needs in so many of our colonias,” said Bonilla.

Bonilla is chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, which funds all grants for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. His role on the subcommittee allows him to shepherd funding for important projects in his district.

“I’m proud that my role on the Appropriations Committee allows me to assist constituents back home,” said Bonilla.

Bonilla has represented Presidio and Val Verde for more than a decade. In addition to chairing the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Bonilla is also a senior member of two other funding subcommittees: Defense and Foreign Operations.