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 About the National Center for Environmental

Main Activities
Program Information
Shared Vision


The environment is everything around us—the air we breathe, the water we drink and use, and the food we consume. It’s also the chemicals, radiation, microbes, and physical forces with which we come into contact. Our interactions with the environment are complex and are not always healthy. We at the National Center for Environmental Health, also known as NCEH, are working to prevent illness, disability, and death from interactions between people and the environment. We are especially committed to safeguarding the health of populations that are particularly vulnerable to certain environmental hazards—children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

We seek to achieve our mission through science, service, and leadership. We conduct research in the laboratory and in the field to investigate the effects of the environment on health. We track and evaluate environment-related health problems through surveillance systems. We also help domestic and international agencies and organizations prepare for and respond to natural, technologic, humanitarian, and terrorism-related environmental emergencies.

On the basis of research and surveillance results, we work with partners to protect human health. Our interventions range from responding to emergencies, educating and training various audiences, and developing new standards and guidelines, to helping formulate public policy. We strive to protect health over the entire life-span. We work to promote optimal fetal, infant, and child development, including preventing birth defects and developmental disabilities, and enhance health and quality of life and prevent secondary conditions among children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities.

The scope of our work is worldwide, from protecting health during emergencies both in the United States and abroad to protecting the health of the public visiting U.S. national parks and taking cruises on ships that dock in U.S. ports. Since environmental problems cross geographic boundaries, and since lessons learned in helping other countries can be used to understand and address U.S. public health problems, we have established a global health office to coordinate and expand our global activities.

The nature of our work is also expanding. Because genetic knowledge, tests, and services will play an increasingly larger role in public health practice, we are working to make sure that knowledge of human genetics is translated into effective and ethical public health actions.

No matter where and how we work, we are committed to safeguarding the health of the U.S. public, both in the United States and abroad.


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NCEH Mission

To provide national leadership, through science and service, that promotes health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases, birth defects, disabilities, or deaths that result from interactions between people and their environment.

NCEH Main Activities

National leadership in prevention programs, global health, and the use of human genetic knowledge, tests, and services

• Public health surveillance
• Applied research

Epidemiologic studies
Laboratory analyses
Statistical analyses
Behavioral interventions
Operations and systems research

• Communication and education
• Standards, guidelines, and recommendations
• Training and technical assistance of officials of state and local
   health agencies in preventing and responding to public health

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NCEH Partners

• State and local health departments
• Federal, state, and local health and environmental agencies
• Philanthropic foundations
• Industry and labor groups
• Professional, voluntary, and community organizations
• Managed care organizations
• Foreign governments
• International health organizations

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NCEH Programs and Activities

Emergency and Environmental Health Services
Environmental Hazards and Health Effects
Laboratory Sciences
Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
Global Health at NCEH

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History of the National Center for Environmental Health
A Brief History of the National Center for Environmental Health
1980-1994 History by Subject
1980-1989 Highlights
1990-1994 Highlights
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NCEH Program Information

Strategic Plan 1999-2003
2000 Fact Book
NCEH Kids at Work Day

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NCEH Topics:
Pointer Air Pollution
Pointer Asthma
Pointer Cancer Clusters
Pointer Chemical Weapons Elimination
Pointer Disaster Epidemiology
Pointer Earthquakes
Pointer Extreme Cold
Pointer Extreme Heat
Pointer Floods
Pointer Harmful Algal Blooms
Pointer Healthy Places
Pointer Hurricanes
Pointer Lead Poisoning
Pointer Mold
Pointer Noise
Pointer Tornadoes
Pointer Tracking, Environmental Public Health
Pointer Vessel Sanitation
>> complete A-Z list
Emergency Preparedness:
PointerGeneral    PointerChemical     PointerRadiological    PointerBiological
More NCEH Information:
Pointer NCEH Brochure

NCEH Funded Projects
Pointer Shared Vision


 Air Pollution and Respiratory Health  Global Health Office
 Asthma  Health Studies
 Division of Laboratory Sciences  Mold
 Emergency and Environmental Health Services  Preventing Lead Poisoning in Young Children
 Environmental Hazards and Health Effects  Vessel Sanitation - Sanitary Inspection of International Cruise Ships
 Environmental Public Health Tracking

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This page last reviewed August 09, 2004

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health