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Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center

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Upper Illinois River
48-Hour Recreation Forecast

This is an experimental product.
Latest Stage.... 4.16 ft on Tuesday, 11/9 2:30AM CST
Max 48-Hour Forecast.... 4.2 ft on Tuesday, 11/9 12:00AM CST
Forecast issued on Monday, 11/8 8:29AM CST
Link to Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission

Illinois Riv Map
River Status ** Illinois River Association recommends ...
checkmark checkmark green that children 10 and under go in canoes or rafts.
blank blank yellow that children 10 and under not go in canoes and switch to rafts.
blank blank orange that all switch to rafts.
blank blank red that children 10 and under not go in rafts.
blank blank purple that all floating cease.

Get latest Illinois River @ Tahlequah, OK river forecast.

Get latest Illinois River @ Tahlequah, OK latest stage from the USGS.

National Weather Service river forecasts contain error. For more information on the forecast process, click here.

Forecasts are updated daily, except during times of flooding when they are updated at least 3 times daily.

*"Upper River" and "Lower River" are defined as above and below Diamondhead Resort.

**This information was provided by the Illinois River Association on April 19, 1993, as to their recommended guidelines to canoeing and rafting on the Illinois River. These guidelines are for those with average or less experience and skills. These recommendations are meant to provide a general guide for the floating public. There are many factors involved and it is best to discuss your floating plans with your livery operator.

This is an experimental product. ABRFC needs your feedback to assess the usefulness and quality of this web page. Please read more about this product, and complete our survey to provide specific feedback regarding this page.

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National Weather Service
Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center
Page last modified: November 5, 2004
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