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Paleo Perspectives

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Paleo Perspective on Abrupt Climate Change Abrupt Climate Change: A Paleo Perspective
The paleoclimate record shows rapid and dramatic changes in climate have occurred in the past at global and regional scales. The Perspective discusses what we know, and what we don't know, about the causes and effects of these changes.

Paleo Perspective on Drought North American Drought: A Paleo Perspective
A comprehensive website on drought in the historical and paleoclimatic records, designed to help educate, inform and highlight the history and importance of drought, and to show how paleoclimate research relates to drought and other important issues of climate variability and change.

Paleo Perspective on Global Warming A Paleo Perspective... On Global Warming
Paleoclimatology Program's main goal in creating this comprehensive website was to help educate, inform and highlight the importance of paleoclimate research; as well as to show how paleoclimate research relates to global warming and other important issues regarding climate variability and change.

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27 May 2004